[WFRP 2e] Morrslieb's Shadow GM/Player Interludes
Characters Maximillian Morningglory , Halfling Vampire Hunter Udrin Sor-Valdir - High Elf Wizard Ludovic Hasselhoff - Human Entertainer/Boat Captain Durak Braksson - Dwarf Tegort - Ogre bodyguard Abelhardt Mullberger - Journeyman Apprentice Mordrin Skorkinson , Giant Slayer. Fickuld - Young Camp Follower Maximillian was deep in thought over the violence and chaos of Grimdold Und, yet hiding his feelings by tending the Brettonian captives. This chaos, this evil in the land was huge, while the halfling was...not. How long could he stare evil in the face? How long could he hide behind an ogre who seemed determined to get himself killed? (Not to mention how long could he feed the ogre, who ate even more than the halfling?) He had barely managed to intervene between the ogre and the suicidal dwarf more than once on the trip to Suderberg. Was there a place for Maximillian in the world outside the Moot? Was there a way to fight chaos without the ...