Campaign Logs

System: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1e

The Lost Mine of Phandelver
System: D&D 2e, Skills& Powers

Gairloch Ironheart - Svirfneblin Priest of Grumbar
Campaign: Eveningstar
System: D&D 2e, Skills & Powers

Kryphon Felix Drexle
Campaign: Eveningstar
System: D&D 2e, Skills & Powers

Leone Wolff
Campagin: Flip's Skaven
System: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1e

Mordrin Skorkinsson
Campaign: Morrslieb's Shadow
System: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2e

Maximillian Morningglory
Campaign: Morrslieb's Shadow
System: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2e

System: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3e

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