
Thoughts on Stalwart Adventures 6

Zak intentionally practiced Pick Pocket and made a few coins without getting caught. He also spent his downtime on the trip reading A Study of the Goblin Tongue . I’ll spend character points on that language when he levels up. Not a lot else went on during the session. There was a lot of out-of-game chat, and nobody felt the need to keep on task only.  Next session we welcome back another player to the table, so the party should meet a new friend!

[D&D 2e] Stalwart Adventures 6

Zak – Half Elf Thief Wizard (Me) Thanin – Human Fighter Ogurdan – Dwarf Priest of Selune The party took a room at the Red Hawk Inn, and then decided it was time for the in-town, money spendy type thing. They got an armorer working on making dwarf sized armor out of the ankheg plates they hauled back to town. There was a bunch of resupplying of arrows, rations, and the like. A couple purchases of note included a magical lock (command word: ginger), a poison antidote, and some healing potions. There was an increased concern of the other two being able to keep the cleric alive, should they get into more trouble. They were quite unexpectedly summoned to the Baron’s house for dinner. The Baron, Elward Aramax, offered to pay the group a monthly stipend if they fixed up their keep well enough for him to billet soldiers. Fans of the subscription model, the group agreed to his offer. To help, the Baron suggested the party obtain aid from mountain dwarves known to live in the north. The party pa

Thoughts on Stalwart Adventures 5

Zak did nominate Thanin for party leader, after pointing out they may be suffering a bit from lack of a leadership structure. Poor Thanin has trouble not getting all the HP knocked out of her at any given fight, but we did sort of act as if there was a party leader a couple times after the nomination. I got more practice with Find Traps and Open Locks. I’m still quite a way from leveling up this multi class half elf. I haven’t been successful with spells other than Sleep so far, and it changes the idea I have for this character. If he’s not casting Illusion spells to cover his tracks, why *does* he bother with all the work of being multi class? It was quite amazing to pile our loot together and find we had enough for the keep. I don’t think even the DM knew it was going to add up before we did it. But just because you can afford to buy a keep doesn’t mean you can afford to repair and maintain one! Let alone defend it from predators. This seems like something that will be the center of

[D&D 2e] Stalwart Adventures 5

Zak – Half Elf Thief Wizard (Me) Thanin– Human Fighter Ogurdan – Dwarf Priest of Selune Zak and Thanin ended up poisoned when last we left off. They were able to make it back to the well room before the poison gave one last painful kick to the gut and dropped them both unconscious. Ogerdan spent the night casting his last healing spells. Reginald the talking water at this point shared that he was still able to cast spells. He conjured a Leomond’s Tiny Hut for everyone in the party to rest in relative safety.  When everyone was healed up and ready to explore some more, the party went back down the stairs, followed the previous hall, and explored until they came to a ladder heading up to a trap door.  Zak took his turn checking things out for spring safety and traps at the door. Finding none, he opened it. He door opened onto a beach on an island off the keep’s coast. The island had a small rowboat, as well as its convenient location. The party closed the door and headed back to the towe

Thoughts on Stalwart Adventures 4

There is a noticeable lack of leadership on this small team. Zak is intended to be a happy-go-lucky support character, but not the face of the team. The dwarf cleric seems like a good choice for a leader, but his player seems to have decided the dwarf is also a support character. And what a support character he is! Our characters have history together, so perhaps the fighter doesn’t think she should be the party leader. Also, she’s probably a bit self conscious at her AC and HP total leading her to go down in quite a few fights. Still, it would almost be better if she hired us. Maybe I’ll suggest that.  Also, Zak is still bad at finding traps! Slime from the ceiling? Spider from a dead body? Didn’t see either of those coming! Still, I got a few more chances to practice, so I’ll be raising those skills next time I level up. Theoretically,we’ll be done with this adventure next sitting. I have a hankering for something…more.  Maybe we can dive more into these characters, or maybe I’m

[D&D 2e] Stalwart Adventures 4

Zak – Half Elf Thief Wizard (Me) Thanin– Human Fighter Ogurdan – Dwarf Priest of Selune The party’s negotiations with the werewolf pack leader did not go well. There seems to be a lack of leadership within the party itself, so there was no real plan on challenging the pack leader. A fight ensued, centered around a well that took up most of the floor of the tower. Again, Zak’s Sleep spell made the fight more manageable, once it actually went off. Before then, the fighter was dropped by a gang of werewolves. The cleric held his ground until the other wolves could slowly be felled by arrows. A couple more wolves joined the fight from the stair above, but the party survived to fight another day. The cleric had his hands full with healing spells. The well turned out to be sentient, at least the water therein, holding the personality of a bard from long, long ago. The bard had served in the keep under Lord Crest. The bard also never shut up. Zak learned many things from the talking water bar

Thoughts on Stalwart Adventures 3

I think we were all done with fighting goblins. The DM had the pack leader in the next room. He gave himself up and assured us the goblins (and his ogre) would leave us alone. The rest of the night (until the end) was exploring. It’s really good to mix in the exploring after so much fighting. I still need to get better at Find/Remove Traps, as one blasted me pretty good.  I played the character a little more chaotic, and it was kind of fun. Probably not the type of fun that the other PCs feel they can rely on to watch their back, though. The fun thing about chaotic neutral is I can lean into it whenever I’m looking to spice things up. The rest of the time I can be more reasonable and reliable. The cleric held its own again. I really think he may be the best option for fighting the alpha werewolf. We’ll have to talk it over and see what the others think. I know Zak isn’t the best choice! If we can defeat the alpha wolf, it should wrap up this little adventure nicely.