[WFRP 2e] Princeps Interlude 28.5

Vaervenshyael - Female Elf Duellist

My companions
Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann - Human Artisan
Wilhelm Hechland - Human Pistoleer
Doctor Johann Wilhelm Woeller - Human Physician

(Previous Notes)

GM: Each of you feel a chill from the west blow though the common. Tankred groans slightly as his muscles ache; Willhelm blinks as his eyes blur; Vaervanshyael grows nauseous; Johann presses his temples as a headache rises.

As quick as the feelings came, they disappear with on the chill breeze.

Then there's a loud snap and pop.

Johann looks in the direction of the sound.

Tankred's hand moves deliberately towards his sword and he begins to worry about his brother back at the Drunken Donkey. This talk of chaos moons and raising dead kings is putting him on edge. 

GM:  Johann looks up and for that instant, Johann sees the iron runners that hold the pillar, where it had once split, buckle and the rivet pop, but then grit falls into his eyes. Johann's eyes water and the grit is scratching.

The two "cavaliers" of Rosehilda react differently. One screams, "I can't see!" and starts coughing and spitting. The other grabs Wilhelm by his collar and starts a move away from the bill wall.

Tankred shouts "Move!" and goes to pull Johann and the other cavalier away from the pillar.

Wilhelm locks up, unsure of which way to run.

GM: There is a loud crash as the fence is crushed by the falling pillar. Then a reverberation in your feet. A shout cut short and a deep groan.

Then quiet for a long moment. Then a horse neighing somewhere on the common and a woman screams.

Tankred looks down and sees a large wooden splinter protruding mid torso. Right through the mail and leather. Blood. It's going to hurt.

Tankred grits his teeth and steels himself. Did the others make it? Did the doctor get clear? "Leech, I need you."

Vaervenshyael draws her weapons (only a dagger and main gauche on her), preparing in case this is the start of an attack. As (if) the dust settles and nobody attacks, she is prepared to lend first aid or assist the doctor in doing so.

Then a new idea flashes through Vaervenshyael's mind[1]. She turns to see the Doktor rushing to Tankred's aid. She turns in the other direction to see that the tower is now laying on its side, having crashed through the gate. In the mayhem, she rushes to the top of the tower[2] where the cow motif is carved, searching for the next talisman[3].

Relevant Skills/Talents:
[1] Coolheaded (trying to make the most of this opportunity)
[2] Concealment, Silent Move, Alley Cat (getting to the top of the tower without attracting undue notice)
[3] Perception, Excellent Vision, Night Vision, Search, Trapfinder (searching for the likely location of the next item in this light, event)

Johann: "Oh my, Tankred. That looks painful!" The doctor goes to Tankred's side and begins helping him up and over to a place that he can work on the wound. He asks the knights, "Is there a place where I can rest my friend and tend to his wound?"

GM: Varvenshayael kneels in front of the fallen pillar. 

On the ground, the size and weight of the pillar is punctuated by the splinter in Tankred's ribs.

Imerltrud, a "knight" with twice the muscle mass as Johann, immediately comes to Johann's side. Gertie, Imerltrud's "wing girl," looks to Wilhelm and points to a building: two stories and clearly a tavern and hostel. "The common room there in the Prince's White Moon. We can treat him there."

Wilhelm: "He's a giant! I'm not strong enough to carry him. Although... there may be something in there I could use..."

Tankred: "I'm not dying, and I don't need to be carried," gasps Tankred, gritting his teeth through the pain. "I just need this thing out, and a drink, I need a drink."

Johann: "No no no my stout friend, that rather large splinter must stay in your side for the time being. Removing it just this moment will exacerbate the wound."  Johann does not remove his support, and continues in the direction of the tavern.

Vervenshyael kneels at the top of the massive pillar. The shattered menagerie of cattle litters the ground. The top of the pillar has cracked open revealing a deep hollow space.

Varvenshyael reaches in and pulls out a square-ish object that is wrapped in a thick cloth that at first might be oil cloth but with age has lost whatever finish it once had. A longer object is also in the space.

She tucks the cloth with its contents deep within her leathers. Then she explores the longer object, breaking pieces off to get inside, if need be. She finds a map case.

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