[D&D 2e] Stalwart Adventures 4

Zak – Half Elf Thief Wizard (Me)
Thanin– Human Fighter
Ogurdan – Dwarf Priest of Selune

The party’s negotiations with the werewolf pack leader did not go well. There seems to be a lack of leadership within the party itself, so there was no real plan on challenging the pack leader. A fight ensued, centered around a well that took up most of the floor of the tower.

Again, Zak’s Sleep spell made the fight more manageable, once it actually went off. Before then, the fighter was dropped by a gang of werewolves. The cleric held his ground until the other wolves could slowly be felled by arrows. A couple more wolves joined the fight from the stair above, but the party survived to fight another day. The cleric had his hands full with healing spells.

The well turned out to be sentient, at least the water therein, holding the personality of a bard from long, long ago. The bard had served in the keep under Lord Crest. The bard also never shut up.

Zak learned many things from the talking water bard while the rest of the party slept. Many things except the trap door under the well. 

Down the trap door were some slippery stairs, leading to a very damp basement. A basement doorway was bricked up toward the ocean side of the room. Exploring one door near the stairs, Zak was attacked from above by a green slime. No struggling could remove the slime, and it got hard to breathe. Luckily the rest of the party was willing to whack at the slime until it fell off.

A different door lead to jail cells. Only one cell had prisoners, some sailors captured off a boat attacked by the werewolves. (Werewolves? Were sea wolves, apparently.) They agreed to stick with the party until they could get to safety. The sailors also gave the party the tip that sea wolf pelts were worth money back in town.

A final door from the main chamber led to a long hallway. As the hallway ran toward the ocean, the party found an old body on the floor. One curious poke, and Zak was covered in big spiders. He party was able to fight them off, but not before Zak felt poison from a bite slowly working its way through his body.

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