
Showing posts from 2015

[D&D 2e] The Lost Mine of Phandelver 3 *SPOILERS*

Mist:  Human Shadow Walker (Mage/Thief) Jairus:  Elven Mage/Thief Kell:  Human Ravager (Barbarian) Sanaka:  Human Windwalker (Priest) Gunel:  Human Fighter/Gladiator ( Previous notes ) The characters began the session very beat up, completely out of spells, and not a little scared after last session's encounter with the Redbrands at the Sleeping Giant.  They had found out that the leader of the Redbrands was a wizard, and they needed a safe place to recuperate before challenging him.  Gunel the Fearless headed back to her room at Stonehill Inn. She was not going to run scared, not when sleep was calling after an honorable battle. (Gunel's player was absent for most of the sitting.) The others decided to seek the aid of Linene, proprietor of the Lionshield Coster, for asylum. They had done her a favor in the previous sitting, and she had offered her help in the future. Linene set the party up in a strongroom below the business. She r...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 17

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Duellist My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Veteran Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Engineer Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician ( Previous Notes ) The Princeps and the Master of the Horse requested that the party aid an associate, Helmut the Ranaldian by name, acquire the body of the dead Sigmarite priest from the Sigmarite temple so the priest of Morr might ask the body some questions. Vaervenshyael did not pay close attention to the details of speaking with a dead body, but Johann seemed most enthralled. The plan included Tankred taking his men to the front of the Sigmarite temple for a distraction. Vaervenshyael and Johann were to guard the back door while Helmut and his men went inside to take the body. They were charged with making sure nobody saw which way the body went when it came out the back. Wilhelm was positioned on a nearby roof, providing cover with a crossbow. ...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps Interlude 16.5

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Duellist My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Veteran Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Engineer Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician ( Previous notes ) Johann returned to his barber shop just in time for Maximillian to walk in. "So," Johann began, "What brings you to my humble shop, Oh Venerable Master of the Horse?"ļ»æ Maximilian looked up at Johann then out to the street. Crossing the street were Johann's "friends" Tankred, Wilhelm, and Vaervenshyael. On entering Johann's shop, Maximilian wasted no time. "The Empire seems to have found our little corner of the world. I'm a pious, but practical sort. Know this, the end truly does justify the means in all things when it comes to change and rooting out the influence of the ruinous powers or to protect Padua." Maximilian looked at Johann and Vaervenshyael knowingly. "It may even mean looking the ...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 16

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Duellist My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Veteran Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Engineer Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician ( Previous notes ) ( Note: This sitting was short due to technical issues.) Tankred left with Russmann to visit the Princeps. Johann continued speaking with Cosetta in hushed tones. Voices in the crowd began speaking disparagingly about elves. Vaervenshyael isolated a voice and challenged the man to a duel. He drunkenly charged her. She slashed his left arm. He charged again, and she clunked him on his head with the hilt of her rapier. When he would not relent, she slashed him across the chest and then knocked him out. She returned back into the tavern looking for more people speaking lies about elves. 

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps Interlude 15.5

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Protagonist My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Mercenary Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Engineer Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Barber Surgeon ( Previous notes ) The crowd at Katerina's Rest lingered. Small groups huddled. The name Russmann was mentioned and heard at tables, in the latrine, at the bar. The Reverend Brother Neidhart Russmann. Footsore. Lean, broadshouldered, bald, and "called." But then what was he saying: evil out of the west? All these firebrands said they saw the influence of the ruinous powers on the winds. Possessed, only the possessed "see things." Or he's right: Padua is lost to Chaos influence. The Robber King to the North was actually slaughtering greenskins. Maybe the Princeps and his Master of the Horse have been too tolerant. Tolerant of that Cunning Man on the river. Tolerant of the heathen in the East. Tolerant of that rich Arabyan always ...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 15

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Protagonist My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Mercenary Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Engineer Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Barber Surgeon ( Previous notes ) The party awoke to a new Sigmar priest calling worship at the temple. We all made our way from our places of residence to the center of town, where the firebrand was calling upon the residents to return to pious worship. Tankred joined those following the priest to the Sigmarite temple. Vaervenshyael attempted to speak to Wilhelm about her distrust of the new priest, as well as the possibility of commencing shooting practice, but Wilhelm was acting awkwardly. He did show her some basics of loading, aiming, and firing, before suggesting she go practice against a barn somewhere. Back in Katerina's Rest, there was much talk about the new priest. Terms like "long overdue" and "inspired" were murmured around the barroom....

[D&D 2e] Eveningstar Campaign 32

My Character Gairloch Ironheart  - Svirfneblin Priest of Grumbar Companions Jemmabink - Gnome fighter Nina - Human Paladin of Helm with her Dire Wolf mount Vahael Corrolon - Human Cleric of Helm Revoltac - Elf Ranger Kaiden - Half Elf Mage ( Previous notes ) We returned to our party keep, which we agreed to call Keep Vigilant, to continue repairing the walls. Gairloch, my Earth priest, had a few different spells to soften and shape stone. It was calculated that I could fix a 20x20 section of wall per sleep cycle. This sleep cycle was shortened by a magical ring Vahael offered to let me use. On the second day after our return, we received a message from Lord Tessaril. We immediately traveled to her home. She reported that Arabel had reopened after an internal rebellion fought in the name of Gondegal, an old time rebel from Arabel. Myrmeen, the Lord of Arabel, had closed the walls during the rebellion. Now that the gates were open, we could travel there and find out ...

Maximillian Art

A while back,  Byron Rempel , zombie artist extraordinaire, offered to do some rather inexpensive character paintings. I hit him up for a couple. Here's the second character, my Warhammer Witch Hunter  Maximillian . It's not exactly how I picture him, but it's always nice to see other people's interpretations.

[D&D 2e] Lost Mine of Phandelver 2

Mist: Human Shadow Walker (Mage/Thief) Jaden : Human Justifier (Ranger) Jairus: Elven Mage/Thief Kell: Human Ravager (Barbarian) Sanaka: Human Windwalker (Priest) Gunel: Human Fighter/Gladiator Hobgoblin Ambush: The ranger and the elf suspected an ambush but were not able to see anyone hiding in the trees. The hobgoblins (I upped the difficulty from goblins) shot out of hiding and hit the priest. The ranger was able to spy the creatures hiding in the trees and point them out to the rest of the party. The priest used this aid to line the hobgoblins in Farie Fire. The party took out 4 hobgoblins, and one ran away. Hobgoblin Trail: The party hid the oxen cart and followed the stray hobgoblin. The ranger was so intent on the trail that he failed to notice a snare trap in the path. He found himself hanging upside-down 10 feet off the forest floor. They found the rope and eased him down. The shadow walker helped him check for traps from there on and found the pit trap before an...

Mordrin Art

A while back, Byron Rempel , zombie artist extraordinaire, offered to do some rather inexpensive character paintings. I hit him up for a couple. Here's the first character, my Warhammer Slayer Mordrin . These are quite impressive.

[D&D 2e] Lost Mine of Phandelver 1

A couple months ago, our D&D DM switched up responsibilities at work and stated he couldn't run our games for a while. He offered to let me run something while he got back in the groove at work. We play 2nd edition D&D, but I wanted to play the Lost Mine of Phandelver. I wanted our group to be part of a shared adventure experience, though we play an old edition. Last month we got together and made characters. Here's what I have going into the game: Human Shadow Walker (Wizards and Rogues of the Realm Handbook) Human Justifier (Complete Book of Rangers) Elven Mage/Thief Human Ravager (Complete Book of Barbarians) Human Windwalker (Specialty priest of Shaundakul - Faiths and Avatars) Human Fighter using the Gladiator kit I can tell I'm going to have to step up the number of enemies listed in the adventure.

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps Interlude 14.5

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Protagonist My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Mercenary Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Engineer Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Barber Surgeon ( Previous Notes ) Johann's expression darkened quickly in the face of Tankred's request for payment. All trace of mirth and mad giddiness disappeared and was rapidly replaced with an uncharacteristic determination and darkness that was...strange...and disturbing to see on the face of the Doctor. Though, for a brief moment, it does seem somewhat familiar. "Will you truly not see the desperation of our situation? A madman is head of this town, and would gladly slit our throats without so much as a second thought. He is ready and willing to end us for even the smallest edge in his attempt to survive and thrive, and believe me when I say that I have had much experience in recognizing and running from men like him. He is a zealot, not much unl...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 14

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Protagonist My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Mercenary Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Engineer Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Barber Surgeon ( Previous Notes ) The hall on the other side of the metal door was lined with pristine murals. They depicted scenes from wars hundreds of years before our time. Down the stairs an ambient heat rose, humid, especially from the east. An opening to the outside appeared to have been chiseled out of the foundation of the tower. Rock and sand had spilled inward, bearing footprints of one who had walked around the hot basement before the party. A room nearby held rusted machinery, possibly once powered by the heat and steam rising from a deep pit. There was nothing there that worked now, and little the smiths could possibly use back in Padua. Our miner friend, Pieter Adler appeared from the hole in the side of the tower. He was apparently rece...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 13

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Protagonist My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Mercenary Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Engineer Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Barber Surgeon ( Previous Notes ) GM: Each of you reek of poultices. The poultices leak a combination of binders, fillers, and liquidsā€”keep the torch that turpentine?ā€”from the soaked bandages or makeshift slings. They cool the wounds and aches, if at a cost of making each of you less willing to stand near each other. Johann surely must find better smelling ingredients when back in Padua. In a quiet moment, there is a muted boom in the new stairwell down. Wilhelm  states emphatically, "That's powder. A blunderbus possibly. Below for certain." New worries creep into your thoughts, are the Sigmarites now armed? Or may explain something less sinister: have they just not paid attention to Wilhelm's Bandit Reducing Hand Cannon because the Sigmar...

Renegade Princeps Introspection 12

Here is some of the out-of-game chatter the players have been saying about their characters for the last couple sittings: Starting with a question about the direction of Tankred's personality: Me: Kind of Lawful Neutral. It's a distinct personality, so it works. Vaervenshyael needs to be more like that when it comes to dealing with humans. That leaves Wilhelm or Johann as our conscience. ļ»æ Tankred's Player: Roger nailed it really. I'm modeling Tankred a bit after the Expendables. Light hearted during his down time, enjoying his beer, and his work. But when it becomes time to fight, he is all business and is a sociopathic killing machine. I envision Tankred being more at home on the battlefield than anywhere else. The Doctor's Player : Roger if you're relying on Johann or Wilhelm to be our conscience I think you'll find that it's quickly eroding. Poor Wilhelm may be incredibly enthusiastic and possibly the least morally ambiguous among us, but ...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 12

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Protagonist My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Mercenary Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Engineer Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Barber Surgeon ( Previous Notes ) Right ear still ringing (and hair slightly singed) from Wilhelm's gunshot from her shoulder, Vaervenshyael heads down the new passage. The walls on the other side of the megalith show even more murals. What can the party make out? An Arabyan priest? Burial rites? Vaervenshyael has no interest in these nor the niches with bones which line the hallway ahead. The party evades a rustic warning trap, made with a string and an empty tin bucket. There are individuals up ahead. They are not paying attention. They are taken out by Tankred and, surprisingly, the doctor. The room contains a crate full of coins. They are old, gold coins. They are not the kind traded around these days, but the metalworker think he can re-mint them. V...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 11

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Protagonist My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Mercenary Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Engineer Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Barber Surgeon ( Previous Notes ) The party boldly entered the front entrance of the megalith. Various rooms in the lower levels contained nothing but filth. Upstairs things got more interesting. (Meta: My character apparently contracted some kind of bed bug in a room full of hay. I don't know when she'll find out.) Up a short flight of stairs we found a room full of columns and murals. The murals looked like Arabyan armies on the march. There was a Sigmarite zealot in the back corner of the room. Wilhelm shot immediately (thinking he saw a beastman). The zealot got away and led us on a merry chase up many flights of stairs into the top of the tower. Vaervenshyael was able to overtake him before he reached the top. She chopped his legs out from under him...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 10.5

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Protagonist My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Mercenary Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Engineer Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Barber Surgeon ( Previous Notes ) Wilhelm kicked over the body the zealot that struck him with the whip...a woman! Her features otherwise indeterminate beneath the filth and rags of her dedication to Sigmar. Johann and Varvenshyael found cover from the looming megalith for the Verenan Roderic Leer. Unconscious still, Varvenshyael considered Leer's words, "I know the truth." Johann considered these words and the condition of the priest. He will live. Tankred considered the megalith, the ragged entrance and torches that revealed little about what lied beyond them. In the quiet of the mind, punctuated only by the words of Johann and Varvenshyael over the priest, the echoes of Wilhelm's hand cannon remained. The shadow of the megalith lengthened as t...

First Level D&D Monsters

I don't always want to use kobolds, goblins, and giant rats for first level adventures. Let's see what else I can dredge up out of the 2e Monstrous Manual, not including psionics or good creatures: Bat, Common 1-2 hp Bat, Large 1/2 - 1 HD Beetle, Fire 1+2 HD Bird (various) Bullywug 1 HD Cat, Wild 1 HD Centipede, Giant 2 hp Crawling Claw 2-4 hp Dog, Wild 1+1 HD Dwarf, Duergar 1+2 HD Fish (various) Frog (various) Fungus, Gas spore 1 hp Gibberling 1 HD Gremlins (4/6 listed are 1-1 HD or less) Grippli 1+1 HD Hatori (sand crocodile), Lesser 1-5 HD Hobgoblin 1+1 HD (yeah, a goblin, but it may be considered a change still) Human (various) Insect, (various, each with interesting abilities) Insect swarm Ixitxachitl 1+1 HD Leech, giant 1-4 HD Mammal (various) Merman 1+1 HD Mold Men 1 to 6 HD Mongrelmen 1-4 HD Muckdweller 1/2 HD Myconid 1-6 HD Piercer 1-4 HD Plant, Intelligent, Obliviax 1-2 hp Poltergeist 1/2 HD Skeleton 1 HD (don't forget animal skel...

Renegade Princeps Introspection 10

Here are some thoughts from the players about the direction the characters are going. I had to mull over Vaervenshyael's reaction to seeing Roderic hanging and dying: I still maintain that my actions were completely in character considering 1) the bloody Sigmarite zealots had been goading me since we first saved them from the beastmen. Then their friends did the same at the tower. 2) My background states I am "against injustice" and "take the law in my own hands". 3) the priest really is a resident of Padua, and I work for Prince Ludovic. 4) I did not attack them first. I drew my sword to cut down the priest and only defended myself once attacked. 5) It's a bit more meta, but: the tooth. Don't forget the tooth. I just needed to write that out to convince myself I'm not still playing Mordrin. It seems valid to me.ļ»æ The Doctor's player chimed in: I don't disagree, and I think there are plenty of totally valid reasons why elves may d...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 10

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Protagonist My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Mercenary Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Engineer Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Barber Surgeon ( Previous Notes ) The three Sigmarite zealots previously rescued from a pack of wild beastmen proceeded to ignore the female elf as much as possible during their travels. Instead they spoke of one "High Hammer" who will show the party "the works of their faith at the tower." They claim to have purged the Ruinous Powers from the tower. Which leads Vaervenshyael to presume that Chaos has been in the tower at some point. She does not take kindly to the slurs from the zealots and points out, "Sigmar has no place here. You are far from home." They retaliate with a threat, "You are far from home *and* outnumbered, elf." Vaervenshyael admits to them that she is outnumbered, but not outmanned. The final useful bit of info...

[D&D 2e] Eveningstar Campaign 31

My Character Gairloch Ironheart  - Svirfneblin Priest of Grumbar Companions Jemmabink - Gnome fighter Nina - Human Paladin of Helm with her Dire Wolf mount Vahael Corrolon - Human Cleric of Helm Revoltac - Elf Ranger with raven and Kodiak bear companions Kaiden - Half Elf Mage ( Previous notes ) The party spent a lot of time talking about upgrades to their new keep, assignment of rooms, and others to invite in to help run the place. There was a period of three days in which Gairloch did nothing but cleanup and repairs (made easier by using Dig , Soften Earth and Stone , and Stone Shape ). It took 3 days to rid the keep of the bodies of the giants and bugbears that previously inhabited it. On day 3, a tall, blue man in a magnificent cart arrived. It was an extravagantly long cart, pulled by 12 horses. Jemmabink reportedly knew the man driving the cart and called him Sereem. He apparently arrived at the whimsical summons of Jemma as a merchant to buy and sell some o...