Weekly Roundup 3

Now that summer break is here and my schedule is less hectic, I'd like to start a new weekly post...a round-up, if you will, of different interesting things I have read through the week. I hope you find these enjoyable...and helpful as well.


What Makes a Great Title for an Adventure? by Carl Bussler (Article)

Great adventures contain devious villains, wondrous locations, horrific monsters and of course, a memorable title. But what makes a great title?
Megadungeon Practices by John Arendt (Article)

This article is an interesting read in-and-of itself, which discussion of topics like Use a Stocking Algorithm, Gold as Experience, and Pacing Advancement. However, some of the topic summaries lead to other, longer blog posts (Deeper Levels = Greater Danger, Progressive Elaboration, and Flow of Information [an article that I was going to link in this review before he included it in the larger Practices write-up]). I really should have posted this yesterday so you could take time to browse the multiple articles. I hope you get some time to check it out.

The Play's the Thing, Part I at No Ordinary Obsession (Article)

What interested me about this article was choosing an actor to represent your character...just enough to keep your character original until you can mold their personality within the game. Similarly, I've taken to starting with already established character art. Then I know what the character looks like, and I don't have to wish I had the skill to draw a representation of my character (See my latest character, Bo).


Patreon, Sales & Free Maps for EVERYONE! by Dyson Logos (Article)

How awesome would it be to use Dyson's maps for that adventure you always wanted to publish or the book you wanted to write?

From now on, whenever a map I release raises $300, I will release that map completely free of all licensing restrictions except for attribution. Unlike my current gentleman’s license, this would include commercial use – so these maps would become part of a portfolio of free works that anyone could use when writing adventures or RPGs or even when someone needs a city map for a novel or something like that.


PortCon Maine 2014 (Anime/Gaming Convention)

It doesn't look like I'll be running anything (again) this year, unless we grab a table and start a pickup game...which I'm usually up for.  Here's a list of scheduled events. Also, they just released the schedule on EventBrite. I'm going to have to check out what's being offered so I can be ready to play!

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