Hobbly Houses
Sorry, I see it was rude of me to post a numbered map without a key. We have what type of building each is, the career of the person there, and most people named. The people in italics are PCs in our WarHammer games.
2) Rural House--Private
a. F’lore—Dragonslayer Dwarf
b. K’nar—Paladin of Arianka Elf
c. K’shan—Wizard Elf
3) Prospector’s—Lewis
4) Noble’s Estate—Private
a. James—Noble (Retired Mercenary)
b. Agatha--Spouse
c. Julie--Child
d. Adam--Child
e. Patrick—Squire (acts as Man at Arms)
f. Toby—Servant
5) Barn to Noble’s Estate—Private
6) Hobbly General Store
a. Samuel—Storekeep
b. Edith—Spouse
c. Jody—Daughter
7) Milliner’s
a. Geary—Owner/Operator
b. Dawn—Spouse
c. Marc—Son
d. Brett—Son
e. Marie—Daughter
8) Remote Cabin
a. Frederick—Trapper
9) Remote Cabin
a. Steven (Wright)—Hermit
10) West Toll
a. Albert—Tollkeeper
b. (2 Watchmen who live elsewhere)
11) Hogshead Inn
a. Lance—Innkeeper
b. Martha—Wife/cook
c. Eliza—Daughter
d. Meredith—Daughter
12) Golden Griffin Tavern
a. Stanley—Owner/Barkeep
b. Zena—Spouse/Cook
c. Jenna—Daughter/Barmaid
d. Brian—Son/Helper
e. Gina—Daughter/Helper
f. Meek--Entertainer
13) Aevsen—Bower/Fletcher Elf
14) Town Hall—(Mayor)
15) Jail
a. Grendel—Jailor
b. (6 very small cells)
16) Weapon Shop—(Beowulf)
17) Well
18) Armor Shop
a. Arnon—Armorer Artisan
b. Shiela—Spouse
c. Jesse—Daughter
19) Mayor’s Estate
a. Johann—Mayor
b. Celinda—Spouse
c. Jessica—Daughter
d. Thomas—Son
e. Herrick—Gamekeeper
f. Gene—Gamekeeper
g. Carson—Bodyguard
h. (2 Watchman at gate)
20) Temple
a. Sherman—Head Priest
b. William—Acolyte
c. Davis—Acolyte
21) Medical Building
a. Adon—Physician
b. Krueger—Apprentice
c. Jasok—Apprentice
d. Nancy—Housekeeper
22) University (school for all ages)
a. Jeffrey—Scholar (young ages)
b. Timothy—Scholar (middle ages)
c. Richard—Scholar (college)
d. 30 Random college students
23) Market Square
a. Benjamin--Calligrapher
b. Raymond—Calligrapher Apprentice
c. Fain—Peddler
d. Sherrax—Trader
e. Cheryl—Seer
f. Priss—Druidic Priest
g. Daniel—Blacksmith
24) Arena
25) White Wyvern Inn/Tavern
a. Merrick—Inn/Barkeep
b. Tabitha—Spouse/Cook
c. Samantha—House/Barmaid
d. Juanita—House/Barmaid
26) East Toll
a. Henry
b. (2 Watchmen who live elsewhere)
27) Graveyard
a. Warlos, York, Surestrike
28) Rural House—Private
a. Stumpy--Pitfighter (Steve)
b. Gondmir (John)
29) Rural House—Private
a. Alyssa—Retired (Roger)
b. Razmar—Wizard (Kris)
30) Farmstead
a. Jorje—Farmer
b. Margie—Wife
c. Bob—son
d. Jared—son
e. Matthew—son
31) Farmstead
a. Dunlad Guttman—Farmer
b. Emily—Spouse
c. Brock—Son
d. Merrilee—Daughter
e. Merle—Son
32) Rural House
a. Beowulf—Weaponer
b. Sheila—Spouse
c. Kent—son
33) Watchtower
a. (2 Targeteers)
b. (Mercenary Captain)
34) Farmstead
a. Thompson—Farmer
b. Chandra—Spouse
c. Nellie—Daughter
d. Simpson—Herdsman (brother)
35) Lakehouse
a. Lofton—Fisherman
b. Carolyn—Spouse
c. Abigail—Daughter
36) Remote Shack (fixer-upper)
a. Rolly—Watchman
37) Lakehouse
a. Lothar—Retired Merc. Capt. (Roger)
38) Boathouse
a. Carter—Boatman
b. Drucilla—Spouse
39) Lakehouse
a. Spencer—Hunter
b. Gail—Spouse
c. Jill—Daughter
d. Jimmy—Son
e. Ethan—Son
f. Dolly—Daughter
a. Hank—Father
b. Kate—Mother
c. Kendal—Brother
d. Denise—Sister
41) Urban House
a. Felix—Coachman
b. Charlotte—Spouse
42) Urban House
a. Roger—Mercenary Captain
43) Urban House
a. Hugh—Trader
b. Melanie—Spouse
c. Kristi—Daughter
44) Urban House with Sunroom Garden
a. Paris “The Sassy”—Noble (7th son)
45) Alchemy Shop
a. George—Alchemist
b. Sandra—Spouse
c. Damien—Son
46) Urban House
a. Gr’Nack—Runner Dwarf
47) Leather Shop
a. Tolk—Leatherworker
b. Yetzel—Spouse
c. Hamish—Son
d. Edna—Daughter
48) Urban House
a. Joe—Ratcatcher
b. Pearl—Spouse
c. Eddie—Son
d. Veronica—Daughter
e. Kelly—Daughter
f. Cliff—Son
g. Jr—Son
49) Urban House
a. Alex—Targeteer
b. Sharon—Spouse
c. Bryce—Son
50) Urban Apartments
a. Gerard—Watchman
b. Ralph—Watchman
c. Peter—Watchman
d. Neal—Watchman
51) Urban House
a. Haseem—Hypnotist
52) Urban House
a. Kel “Eagle Eye”—Targeteer
b. Marion—Spouse
c. Heather—Daughter
d. Grant—Son
53) House with Mill
a. Olander—Tailor
b. Ione—Spouse
c. Teri—Daughter
d. Walt—Son
e. Lenny—Son
54) Rural House
a. Bethany—Woodman
55) Urban House
a. Jason—Watchman
b. Heidi—Seamstress
c. Julia—Daughter
d. Eunice—Daughter
56) Guard post
a. Old Ralph—Watchman
57) Caves
T) Tailor’s Shop (Olander)
B) Brewer’s Shop
a. Varney—Brewer
a. Nassic—Lawyer
b. Candace—Spouse
c. Rufus—Son
M) Merchant’s House
a. Scotty—Merchant
b. Tara—Spouse
c. Slyke—Servant
W) Woodsmen Camps
a. Lot—Woodsman
b. Martin—Woodsman
c. Jeremy—Trapper/Hunter/Woodsman
d. Don—Cook