
Showing posts from July, 2009

July 15th, 2009: Wurld's Edge Ribsmashers at 3 Barrels of Ale

The weather was perfect for the 21,000 fans watching this game. First Half: Turn 4: Palok Powerpuncher (R) got a casualty on Ripper (A's inducement) killing the Star Player Troll! The troll's personal apothecary, along with his regeneration ability, was able to bring him back, but he was out the rest of the game. Turn 5: Tanubm (A) scored a TD! Turn 6: Bziong the Pogoer (A) scored a TD! Also: Grog Bolchukker (R) threw a completion to Marin Mansmasher (R). Turn 8: Dozeks (A) threw a completion to Tanubm (A). Second Half: Turn 1: Grog Bolchukker (R) threw a completion to Volni Headpuncher (R). Turn 5: Nazguul Pipstomper (R) got a casualty on Dobber (A). The goblin was badly hurt but will suffer no long term effect. Turn 8: Rolok Horsemauler (R) scored a TD! Also: Tok (A) threw a completion to Tanubm (A).

July 7th, 2009: Blitz of Styx at Wurld's Edge Ribsmashers

Once again, perfect weather. 29,000 fans. First Half: Turn 5: Lagak Eyeripper (R) got a casualty on Coffinkill (B). The Golem was badly hurt, but regenerated in time for the next drive. Turn 6: Grog Bolchukker (R) threw a completion to Marin Mansmasher (R). Turn 7: Nazguul Pipstomer (R) got a casualty on Boo Ghost (B). The creature suffered broken ribs, but regenerated in time for the next drive. Turn 8: Marin Mansmasher scored a TD! Second Half: Turn 2: Grog Bolchukker (R) threw a completion to Rolok Horsemauler (R). Turn 4: Rolok Horsemauler scored a TD! -A Riot reset the clock back one turn.- Turn 6: Hellbelch the werewolf (B) scored a TD! Turn 7: Grog Bolchukker (R) threw a completion to Marin Mansmasher (R).

July 3rd, 2009: Blood Soaked Barbarians at Hobbly's Heroes

31,000 fans and perfect weather showed up for this match up! First Half: Turn 2: Mo (B) got a casualty on York Surestrike (H). York was badly hurt but will suffer no long term effects. Turn 6: Dood (B) scored a TD! Also: Spencer Hunter (H) got a casualty on Dood (B), concussing the goblin and leaving him with a permanent armor reduction. Also: Paris the Sassy (H) completed a pass to Joe Ratcatcher (H) Second Half: Turn 2: Paris the Sassy (H) completed a pass to Fred Trapper (H). Also: Fred Trapper (H) scored a TD! Turn 4: Bo (B) got a casualty on Daniel Smith (H). Daniel was badly hurt but will suffer no long term effects. Turn 8: Arnon Metalsmith (H) threw a completion to Fred Trapper (H). Turn 8: Fred Trapper scored a TD!

June 27th, 2009: Hell's Pit Warplocks at Hobbly's Heroes

It was a bloody, violent, and deadly affair at Hobbly this day! First Half: Turn 2: Daniel Smith (H) got a casualty on Skitter Trip Trip (W) killing him dead! Turn 4: Snatz One-Eye (W) got a casualty on Spencer Hunter (H). Spencer was out the rest of the game, with no long term effect. Turn 5: Belig the Clawer (W) got a casualty on Brock Guttman (H). Brock broke his jaw and will miss the next game. Turn 6: Sewersprint (W) fractured his own jaw while trying to Go For It. The ratman will miss the next game. Also, York Surestrik (H) got a casualty on Snatz One-eye (W). The ratman's neck was broken, reducing future agility and causing him to miss the next game. Turn 7: Daniel Smith (H) scored a TD! Turn 8: LT (H) got a casualty on Naz the Skulker (W). Naz missed the rest of the game, but will have no long term effects. Second Half: Turn 1: Paris the Sassy (H) threw a completion to Fred Trapper (H). Turn 3: Naz the Skulker (W), amazingly, returns to the field to throw a completion to Ra...

June 8th, 2009: The Blitz of Styx at Hobbly's Heroes

24,000 fans showed up in Hobbly to beautiful weather and a long, painful game. There were times when this reporter zoned out completely and only a cheer from the crowd later woke me up. I wasn't the only one, though. Hobbly's ogre, Brakk Badgerbreath seemed to spend half the match in a stupor as well... First Half: 7: Hellbelch (B) TD! 7: Paris the Sassy (H) actually caught a kickoff and threw a completion to Frederick Trapper (H). 8: Fred Trapper (H) scores a TD! Second Half: 1: Arnon Metalsmith (H) got a casualty on Pukescum (B), but the zombie regenerated by the time he reached the sidelines. Also, Jorge Farmer (H) completed a pass to Joe Ratcatcher (H). 2: York Surestrike (H) got a casualty on Vomithorror (B) when the zombie tried to block him, but the zombie regenerated by the time he reached the sidelines. 3: Lewis Foolsgold (H) got a casualty on Stenchterror (B), but the zombie regenerated by the time he reached the sidelines. Overtime: The regular referee was replaced w...

June 6th, 2009: 3 Barrels of Ale at Hobbly's Heroes

Far from the blizzardly Skaven pitch, the Goblins played the Humans. 23,000 fans showed up in the pouring rain. Luckily the weather changed to perfect BloodBowl weather right at the first kickoff. First Half: Turn 2: Paris the Sassy (H) kept up with expectations as he fumbled a pass. It might be interesting, from now on, to chronicle his failures, as well as any accidental successes he might have. Turn 6: Paris the Sassy (H) got a casualty on Boom Boom (A) as the goblin fanatic tried to block him. Boom Boom was out the rest of the game. Also, Frederick Trapper (H) got a TD! Turn 8: Joe Ratcatcher (H) got a TD! Second Half: During a kickoff blitz, Gob Gob Eat (A) got a casualty on LT (H). LT ended up with a pinched nerve and must miss the next game. Turn 1: Jorje Farmer (H) completed a pass to Joe Ratcatcher (H). Also Gob Gob Eat (A) got a casualty on Grendle Ironbar (H). The lineman had to miss the rest of the game. Also, also, Ripper (Star Player for Ale) got a casualty on Geary Mille...

June 6th, 2009: Khorne's Bloody Ragers at Hell's Pit Warplocks

A brave 16,000 fans trudged through the horrible blizzard to watch the exciting game on this day! First Half: Turn 3: Grint Sewersprint (W) scored the first TD! Turn 6: Beastlord Gruff (R) got a casualty on Ditz Long-whiskers (W). Ditz was out for the rest of the game only. Turn 7: Bleet (R) scored a TD! And the first half ended in a riot. Fans will find any way they can to warm up in a blizzard... Second Half: Turn 2: Mukk (R) got a casualty on Skitter Trip-trip (W). Skitter was only out for the rest of the game. Turn 4: Mukk (R) got a TD! Turn 5: Naz the Skulker (W) got a TD! A longer riot ended the second half. Overtime: Turn 1: Snatz One-Eye (W) completed a pass to Naz the Skulker (W). Murtz (W) got a casualty on Beastlord Gruff (R), fracturing the beastman's arm and causing him to miss the next game. Turn 2: Blud the Merciless (R) got a casualty on Reeluz Musksquirter (W). The skaven only missed the rest of the game. Turn 3: Naz the Skulker scored the game winning touchdown! F...

May 30th, 2009: Blood-Soaked Barbarians at Khorne's Bloody Ragers

This game may not have been bloody, but it was violent. Players were down all over the field on every turn. Let's look at the highlights. Weather: This game was rainy, but Blood Bowl games are delayed due to a little water! First Half: First kick off, the Ragers blitzed and KO'd a goblin. Turn 2: Wargor Wrex (R) got a casualty on Zeezee (B). The goblin had to miss the rest of the game, but will suffer no long term effects. Turn 4: Gor Bleet (R) scored a touchdown! Turn 7: Gunz (B) completed a pass to Dood (B). Also, Murtaugh Ironfist (R) got a casualty on KO (B). The black orc had to miss the rest of the game, but will suffer no long term effects. Second Half: Turn 5: Bestigor Gruff (R) scored the team's second touchdown! Turn 8: Flubz (B) scored the Barbarian's touchdown! Enjoying the rain after the sweltering heat of the World's Edge, this is Johan the Mad reporting.

May 30th, 2009: Blitz of Styx at Wurld's Edge Ribsmashers

Twenty three thousand fans showed up for this game with the undead taking on the orcs. And rowdy the fans were. The first three turns were nothing but a riot. Once the crowd calmed down, we were able to start at turn 4. First Half: Turn 4: Grog Bolchukker (R) threw a completion to Rolok Horsemauler (R) Turn 8: Rolok Horsemauler (R) scored the first touchdown. With the kickoff from the Ribsmashers to the Blitzers came a severe weather change. A wave of sweltering heat rushed in, causing significant problems for the second half. Second Half: For the Ribsmashers, two lineman, one Black Orc and one blitzer had to be sidelined for a drive due to the heat effect. For the Blitzers, 1 werewolf, 1 golem, and 1 zombie were on the sidelines because their necromantic master was too heat fatigued to control the whole team. Turn 1: Volni Headpuncher (R) got a casualty on Half of Henry (B). Henry regenerated, but he had to stay out the rest of the drive. Turn 6: Grog Bolchukker (R) got a casualty on ...

May 24th, 2009: 3 Barrels of Ale at Khorne's Bloody Ragers

I was at this game with 20,000 Blood Bowl fans who were anxiously awaiting the introduction of the Goblin team at the Rager's stadium. This game was no disappointment, taking us even into overtime. First Half: The Goblins blitzed on the very first kickoff and Aler Bram the Bombardier (A) tried to throw a bomb into a Rager group. Unfortunately for the Goblin team, the bomb was intercepted and thrown back on their side of the field by Bestigor Gruff (R), where it didn't hurt anyone. Turn 2: Goobeez (A) scores the first touchdown against a Rager team who seemed to be ignoring the ball! Turn 5: Murtaugh Ironfist (R) got a casualty on Dobber (A). Dobber sprained his ankle, and had to miss the next game. He also now seems to walk with a limp. Dobber had the ball, so it bounced around the field before being picked up by a Rager. Also on turn 5, Wargor Wolf (R) tried to block the troll Gob Gob Eat (A) and got hurt, giving Eat a casualty. Luckily for the Ragers, Wolf only had to miss th...

May 23rd, 2009: Chaos Coven at Hobbly's Heroes

Howdy, sports fans! Fifteen thousand fans were in Hobbly's arena this day for a perfect day of Blood Bowl. The weather cooperated, and so did the players. First Half: Turn 2: Brakk Badgerbreath (H) got a casualty on Anorhra Dirgemaster (C). Anorhra missed the rest of the game, but will suffer no long term effects from the ogre's beating. Turn 4: Jorge Farmer (H) completed a pass to Joe Ratcatcher (H), who ran the ball in for a touchdown! A Riot from the stands following the touchdown caused turn 4 to be played a second time. In the second turn 4, York Surestrike (H) got a casualty on Aranelas (C). She missed the rest of the game, but suffered no long term effects. Also in the second turn 4, Hexana (C) the witch elf scored a touchdown, tying the game! Turn 5: Jorje Farmer (H) completed a pass to Joe Ratcatcher (H) Turn 6: Joe Ratcatcher scored his second touchdown of the day, pulling Hobbly ahead again! Second Half: The first three turns of the second half were spent in another ...

May 9th, 2009: Black Pass Skullstompas at Hobbly's Heroes

Well, Blood Bowl fans, it has taken me a long time to return to report on this game. You wouldn't believe the chaos-ridden lands I had to traverse to cover this matchup. Twenty two thousand bloodthirsty fans were in attendance on this perfect day for football. First Half: On the very first kickoff, a crazy fan threw a rock and stunned Varg Facepuller of the Skullstompas. Turn 1: Brakk Badgerbreath (H) gets a casualty on Rok Ogrebiter (S). It seems Brakk was doing the biting this time as Rok received a groin strain which will force him to miss his next game. Also, Paris the Sassy (H) got a casualty on Don Ratgnawer (S). Don was out for the game, but will suffer no long term effects. Turn 5: Ort Groinsmasher of the Skullstompas scored the first touchdown! Turn 6: Jorje Farmer (H) took the kickoff and completed a pass to Frederick Trapper (H). Turn 7: Frederick Trapper (H) tied the game, scoring a touchdown! Second Half: Turn 1: York Surestrike (H) gets a casualty on Vik Ogretripper (...

April 25th, 2009: Khorne's Bloody Ragers at Black Pass Skullstompas

Again, the weather was perfect for BloodBowl! 13,000 fans showed up for the Ragers and 9,000 showed up for the Skullstompas. It was another popular game in chaotic style. First Half Turn 1: Rak Knuckleraper (S) blocked Wargor Wrex (R). Both were hurt on the play. Wrex suffered a casualty resulting in a serious concussion, causing him to miss the next game and have a -1 to his armor value. Rak was thought dead, but after being attended by the apothecary it turned out he was only badly hurt. Turn 5: Bestigor Gruff (R)fouled Ort Groinsmasher (S), was caught by the ref, and ejected from the game. Ort was only stunned. Second Half A Rager fan threw a rock at Vik Ogretripper (S), causing Vik to strain his groin and miss the next game. Turn 3: Wargor Wolf (R) scored the only touchdown of the game. Turn 6: Org Beastsnorter (S) stopped Beastlord Broo's (R) block, causing a casualty on Broo. Broo will miss the next game. This is Johann the Mad reporting.

April 25th, 2009: Wurld's Edge Ribsmashers at Hell's Pit Warplocks

Our first game on Saturday had the Wurld's Edge Ribsmashers playing the Hell's Pit Warplocks. For an inducement, the Ribsmashers hired star player Varag Ghoul-Chewer, and boy did he go out of control! By turn two, Varag alone had caused 3 our of 4 casualties on the Warplocks. Things looked bad as the team slowly lost a war of attrition. On the fourth turn of the first half, the Warplocks conceded the game. It was none too soon, too, as Varag was starting to look at the orc team who hired him with a hunger in his eye...

April 18th, 2009: Wurld's Edge Ribsmashers at Tzeetch's Bloodhawks

Again, this was another perfect day for BloodBowl. 3,000 fans showed up to watch the Wurld's Edge Ribsmashers, while 5,000 fans showed up to watch Tzeetch's Bloodhawks, bringing the total gate to only 8,000. Rumor has it that most BloodBowl fans were at the game between the Ragers and the Warplocks. First Half Turn 1: Grog Bolchukker (R) threw a completion to Rolok Horsemauler (R). Turn 2: Fing Ghoulthrottler (R) killed Skreetch Beastman (B). Turn 3: Volni Headpuncher (R) was Badly Hurt by a Bloodhawk Journeyman while attempting to make a block. This was a casualty for the Journeyman. Turn 4: Nazguul Pipstompper (R) injured his back while trying to make a block. This looks like it will be a Niggling Injury for Nazguul and he will have to miss the next game. Turn 5: Marin Mansmasher (R) KO'd Maynard Beastman (B). Turn 6: The Bloodhawk minotaur Ratsmasher (B) badly hurt Rolok Horsemauler (R). This was a casualty for Ratsmasher, but Rolok should be back for the next game. Turn...

April 18th, 2009: Khorne's Bloody Ragers at Hell's Pit Warplocks

The weather was perfect for BloodBowl. 11,000 fans showed up for the Ragers and 14,000 showed up for the Warplocks, with a huge gate of 25,000 fans! Everyone was eager to watch this game. First Half Turn 2: Saul Soulreaver (R) gouged out the eye of Skreet Journeyman (W). This was one Casualty for Saul and Skreet is missing the next game, though one can assume he won't be invited back, regardless! Beatlord Broo (R) smashed the knee of Murtz (W). This was a casualty for Broo and it looks like it will be a Niggling Injury for Murtz, causing him to miss the next game. Betigor Gruff (R) KO'd himself while trying to block Ditz Longwhiskers (W). Turn 3: Wargor Wolf (R) was KO'd by Olg Ballspiker (W) the Rat Ogre. Turn 4: Gor Gruu (R) knocked Naz the Skulker (W) into the crowd, which beat the poor Skaven up and sent him to the injury box for the rest of the game. Turn 5: Betigor Mukk (R) knocked Belig the Clawer(W) into the crowd, which KO'd him. Turn 6: WarMaster Malus (R) KO...

April 6th, 2009: Hobbly's Heroes at Hell's Pit Warplocks

On April 6th, the Hobbly Heroes visited the Hell's Pit Warplocks. Nine thousand Heroes fans showed up for the game, but eleven thousand Warplock fans showed up. The weather was perfect. Here are some notes taken by the Hobbly coach. The Warplock coach is free to add his own. First Half Turn 1: Hero L.T. is Badly Hurt by Belig the Clawer while trying to block him. L.T. missed the rest of the game. Turn 2: Patrick Squire, the Hero who spent most of the first game on the Red Cross team, was killed by Mertz. Paris the Sassy, Hero Thrower, Badly Hurt Haz the Grey. Turn 5: Fred Trapper scores! Second Half Jorje Farmer completes a pass to Joe Ratcatcher. Fred Trapper Badly Hurts Musksquirter as the dirty rat tries to run past him (dodge out of his tackle zone). Turn 3: Joe Ratcatcher scores! Turn 5: Paris the Sassy completes a pass to Fred Trapper. Turn 6: Mertz Badly Hurts Fred Trapper, who misses the rest of the game. Turn 7: Lewis Foolsgold, Hero Lineman, makes an amazing play that wil...

Content Addition Notice

Over the next...however long, I'll be migrating my Blood Bowl game write ups from the Yahoo site that currently houses them. I'm not sure how much I trust the YahooGroup to be around as long as I want to keep my game notes.

Magic Item Update

The sword +level magic item is extremely powerful, especially in the hands of a character who essentially got min/maxed. I'm dealing with a third level dwarven cleric (of Tempus...with Fighter skills) who can probably take on 6-7 HD creatures, which the pre-generated adventure I'm running isn't prepared for. You know what, though? I don't mind. The WarHammer Fantasy Roleplaying game that I run is incredibly...sparce. Money is hard to come by, magic is hard to come by, survival is actually difficult. The players don't get much, and they have to make do with what they have. They've been through mutations and demons and cults and hunger and distrust and jail. Through it all, the players were fully into the game. They were having fun. They weren't seriously complaining. So, now that I have a chance to run a little bit of a Monty Haul D&D 2E adventure, I really don't mind. I like the items I've given out - the dwarf named his weapon at the f...