[WFRP] Carrying Other Characters
Someone on Google+ did the math and figured out that an average Warhammer 1e character shouldn't be able to carry another character out of harm's way, using the encumbrance rules as written. Let's consider someone with Movement (M) 4 Strength (S) 3 Toughness (T) 3. According to the book (p.75 HH ed.), he weighs S+Tx100=600 encumbrance (enc). He can carry Tx100=300 enc before he becomes encumbered. [When he goes over his encumbrance limit, he loses 1 point of M. He loses another point for every 50 points on top of that.] 301-350 enc brings him to M3. 351-400 enc to M2, and 401-450 enc at M1 Therefore he is 150 enc points of 'capacity' short of being able to carry an equivalent wounded comrade. I think it's realistic that you couldn't carry your buddy very far without needing to rest. Other options would be dragging, a horse, and/or a travois.ļ»æ However, I would allow a player to 'fireman' carry another player off a battlefield. But I'd measur...