
Showing posts from April, 2014

[WFRP] Carrying Other Characters

Someone on Google+ did the math and figured out that an average Warhammer 1e character shouldn't be able to carry another character out of harm's way, using the encumbrance rules as written. Let's consider someone with Movement (M) 4 Strength (S) 3 Toughness (T) 3. According to the book (p.75 HH ed.), he weighs S+Tx100=600 encumbrance (enc). He can carry Tx100=300 enc before he becomes encumbered. [When he goes over his encumbrance limit, he loses 1 point of M. He loses another point for every 50 points on top of that.] 301-350 enc brings him to M3. 351-400 enc to M2, and 401-450 enc at M1 Therefore he is 150 enc points of 'capacity' short of being able to carry an equivalent wounded comrade. I think it's realistic that you couldn't carry your buddy very far without needing to rest. Other options would be dragging, a horse, and/or a travois.ļ»æ  However, I would allow a player to 'fireman' carry another player off a battlefield. But I'd measur...

[WFRP 2e] Morrslieb's Shadow 31

My PC Maximillian Morningglory , Halfling Agitator Magnus  the Pony My companions Udrin Sor-Valdir  - High Elf Wizard Ludovic Hasselhoff  - Human Entertainer From Maximillian's journal: ( Previous update ) Maximilian was overwhelmed initially by the size of the city. Halflings seemed to have a certain amount of respect in the capital of the Empire. The barkers on every corner handed out flyers of every imaginable cause or doom. The scents of Halfling cooking seemed to come from every restaurant, tavern or hostel he passed. And magic seemed to be everywhere, or magic users at very least, and not the spiritual kind, but secular practitioners of the "Winds of Chaos"! Never had Maximilian seen so many openly wearing robes that identify them as being touched by Chaos itself! Where were the Templars of Sigmar? This out in the open practice or study made the honest Halfling barker appear crazy (and those screaming messages he was most sympathetic too looked th...

[WFRP 2e] Morrslieb's Shadow 30

My PC Maximillian Morningglory , Halfling Agitator Magnus  the Pony My companions Gustav Jaeger  - Human Priest of Verena Udrin Sor-Valdir  - High Elf Wizard Ludovic Hasselhoff  - Human Entertainer From Maximillian's journal: ( Previous update ) My ogre was a genius hire, but he ate all my profits. When we arrived in Altdorf, I had to set him free to find his family, if for no other reason than I couldn't afford to feed him any more. All I have left of my coin is 19 silver and a large collection of brass pennies.  And the letter of recommendation Tegort signed in case I ever want to pursue a job as a cook (I'll never know how he talked Udrin into writing it for him). Gustav blessed the three vials of water I bought. I can't afford a blunderbuss, so I think a crossbow would be my next-best choice in my new role hunting chaos. I probably also need some armor. I saw what happened to Willowwand. That was freaky. Anyway...Altdorf. It is a humon...

Hobbly: Hogshead Inn

From the north or the west, the first inn a traveler to Hobbly will come to is the Hogshead Inn. Four people live on the premises: the innkeeper Lance, his wife Martha (who is also the cook), and their daughters Eliza and Meredith (servers when the place is busy enough).  The building is two stories tall, with a floor-plan roughly akin to the Three Feathers. Since the Goblin Invasion at the end of Pie Week , the inn has seen a drastic reduction in patronage. The invading forces rushed through the woods and toward the town's defenders stationed at the inn. There was a lot of destruction as the attacking army tore up the ground, smashed windows, and slammed into buildings. Rates* Sustenance Breakfast 6 p Lunch 9 p Dinner (1 beer) 1 ss 3 p Packed Lunch 9 p Ale 6 p Beer 3 p Spirits (1 shot) 6 p Wine (goblet) 9 p Services Stabling 2 ss 6 p Bath 3 ss Lodging Common Room/Dorm 1 ss 3 p Single Room 15 ss Double Room 1 gc 10 ss Large Room 2 gc 5 ss Mi...

[WFRP 2e] Morrslieb's Shadow 29

My PC Maximillian Morningglory , Halfling Agitator Magnus  the Pony (Safely stabled through the sitting) My companions Gustav Jaeger  - Human Priest of Verena Udrin Sor-Valdir  - High Elf Wizard Ludovic Hasselhoff  - Human Entertainer From Maximillian's journal: ( Previous update ) While we were staring at the dead body of the printer and the witch who killed him, we heard a noise like a rock hitting the room's window. I looked outside to see Alepuddle waving frantically at me. He said someone was coming in the front door. I moved quietly down the hall and peeked down the stairs. There was a woman looking over the dead bodies below. I pointed the blunderbuss and told her to hold still, but she took off running. She paid no heed to my call, "Stop, witch! Running is proof of your guilt!" I followed here outside in time to see the Angel of Justice (daemon) make another appearance, this time with Willowwand's upper body in its grasp. Ludovic appeared...

[WFRP 2e] Morrslieb's Shadow 28

My PC Maximillian Morningglory , Halfling Agitator Magnus  the Pony (Safely stabled through the sitting) My companions Gustav Jaeger  - Human Priest of Verena Udrin Sor-Valdir  - High Elf Wizard Ludovic Hasselhoff  - Human Entertainer From Maximillian's journal: ( Previous update ) Maximillian and Ludovic crowded together in a secluded corner of the temple to read the letters they acquired in the frantic, bloody business of the last hour or so. One letter cautioned to "watch for elves working with whores." The second letter was a retelling of the suspicious activities taking place at the printer's workshop this night. The third was a collection of Brother Ulric's observations as he sat at Osric's Star. This letter was just a few random things he had noticed or some rumors he overheard. None of the letters were full of intrigue, and we had no hesitation giving them to Gustav to forward to the temple leader. The high priest convinced Gustav th...

South Lands and Wild Dwarves

I'm always thinking about my Warhammer game, even if it's not currently in progress. I think I came up with a fun little idea, but let me provide some background. I keep talking about the South Lands. They were an area that 1st edition didn't really flesh out, at least not in any of the products I had. They are located south of the Old World. And this is all the description I ever had: Now if that's not an almost blank slate, I don't know what is. I have said before that I can put the Wild Dwarves from the D&D 2e Monstrous Compendium, Volume 2 into those sub-tropical South Land forests: My next idea is to have these dwarves be the ones who create the Barrowmaze ! I just added Wild Dwarves and Barrowmaze to my Warhammer game, and I'm pretty sure it's a good fit! I don't want to force high magic concepts into low magic warhammer, but nothing about either of these seems to go against the Warhammer concept. I'm sure I'll...

[WFRP 2e] Morrslieb's Shadow 27

My PC Maximillian Morningglory , Halfling Agitator Magnus  the Pony (Safely stabled through the sitting) My companion Ludovic Hasselhoff  - Human Entertainer Absent Players/NPCs Gustav Jaeger  - Human Priest of Verena (Became GMPC) Udrin Sor-Valdir  - High Elf Wizard From Maximillian's journal: ( Previous update ) Our previous attempt to leave the sanctuary was met with resistance from some dark elves. After the experience, Udrin and Gustav secluded themselves in their rooms to prepare for a journey out of the city. The entertainer and Maximillian decided to explore the tavern that was brave enough to be open this night. Osric's Star is a tavern that had some troubles last year at this time. It's patrons were gaining mutations after drinking the ale. This year the tavern was putting a halt to that nonsense by having the ale blessed by priests of Valaya. They were going to take their blessed ale, burn every light in the tavern, and leave the door...

[WFRP2e] Morrslieb's Shadow 26

My PC Maximillian Morningglory , Halfling Agitator Magnus the Pony My companions Udrin Sor-Valdir  - High Elf Wizard Ludovic Hasselhoff  - Human Entertainer Absent Players/NPCs Gustav Jaeger  - Human Priest of Verena (Became GMPC) From Maximillian's journal: ( Previous update ) We were huddled in the church of Verena, safe from scrying and, hopefully, from the murder Udrin had committed (without my knowledge or express consent, I might add...I am no conspirator in this crime). We were warm and provided for, when I happened to mention wanting to find a bodyguard at some point and Gustav mentioned that Lady Auschaffenberg might be a cultist. That set everyone off, and suddenly we were heading out the door to visit Lord Auschaffenberg (via stopping in to look for a bodyguard...via my friends Willowwand and Alepuddle). I stopped for a holy symbol of Verena before leaving (seriously, they are just handed out for a shilling donation). Maybe I should swit...

The Dungeon Dozen Book is Now Available!

What to do with the new Dungeon Dozen book ? d12 1. Order the gastropod servant to stock it in the back, the far back, of the library. 2. Bury it in a time capsule with a Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black CDs to prove to future people what was really popular in the early 2000s. 3. Bludgeon the Dungeon Overlord and take his stuff. 4. Plant it on the body of the dead ogre. 5. Swap it out with the Liche's spellbook and watch hilarity ensue. 6. Eschew sleep and read it cover to cover in one night. 7. Get a job as a university professor and use it as a textbook. 8. Color all the pictures with crayons. 9. Breathe new life into stagnating campaigns. 10. Become a Sholtis fanboy, camp outside his house with a high-powered zoom camera, and go to conventions asking him to sign copies of prints of him retrieving his newspaper in his bathrobe. 11. Taunt your FLGS owner with the new gaming purchase you got online. 12. Give it away and buy another one.ļ»æ

[WFRP 2e] Morrslieb's Shadow 25

My PC Maximillian Morningglory , Halfling Agitator Magnus the Pony My companions Udrin Sor-Valdir  - High Elf Wizard Ludovic Hasselhoff  - Human Entertainer Gustav Jaeger  - Human Priest of Verena (Became GMPC) From Maximillian's journal: ( Previous update ) Maximillian was distracted from the problem of Ludovic in gaol by wondrous-smelling meats in the nearby market. That is where the others find him. He told them the entire story of following Ludovic under arrest, and the strange cloaked man that was following as well. The party went into the gaol to see about getting Ludovic released into Gustav's custody...after all, he is a priest of Verena. They were unwilling to cooperate, so Udrin disappeared for a bit and then returned wearing the form of the watch sergeant and with Ludovic in tow. The party beat a hasty retreat to Udrin's inn to formulate follow-up plans. (This sitting was cut short due to internet connectivity problems.)

[WFRP 2e] Maximillian Interlude 1

My PC Maximillian Morningglory , Halfling Agitator Magnus  the Pony My companions Udrin Sor-Valdir  - High Elf Wizard Ludovic Hasselhoff  - Human Entertainer Gustav Jaeger  - Human Priest of Verena From Maximillian's Play-by-Post: ( Previous updates ) Ubersreik is a river town of about 3500. They see a large river warehouse district and a crowded thoroughfare. Maximillian soon recognized that there were opportunities for "barking" on any street. He was soon approached by a tall man, "6d a day for 50 sheets barker." The man introduced himself as Matthis Maselhoffer, a printer's apprentice.  "Come to my master's shingle, Unterbaum's Paper and Ink on Alt Strasse in the Alt quarter no later than when the bells toll once past Abendessen for payment." Matthis thrust a bundle of broadsheets at Maximillian, bound by a hemp string. Maximillian looked it over: The Sins of the Common BĆ¼rger  authored by the Richter von Reikl...

Naked Dwarf Syndrome

I am now scared of the web searches that might bring people to this site. I'm relatively new to the Naked Dwarf Syndrome in Warhammer. It is the idea that an unarmored dwarf may be able to ignore more damage due to high Toughness than a full armored human can ignore with Toughness plus Armor. I think this possibility is a good thing. As a fan of the Slayer novels, I fully expect an unarmored Gotrek to be tougher than a chain-clad Felix.  It is thematically correct. The fact that this theme can be carried over into my tabletop game puts me in exactly the right atmosphere.  In their frenzied search for an epic doom, these Slayers ignore that which does not kill them.

The Burning Plague Area 3

The Mess Hall A closed wooden door serves as the entryway into the mess hall. Once the dining quarter of the mine, this area has now been made into a watch post for the skaven warband. Once the PCs open the door (it is not locked) and enter into the room, read the following description aloud: This large, square room houses four long wooden tables, each with a bench on either side. Anything else that was once in this room has been broken and scattered. In the southeast corner of the room, a small stewpot steams over a fireplace carved into the floor. A pungent odor hangs in the air. Ratmen crowd the room in various stages of preparation for your entry. One beast has a green, glowing pack on his back with a long narrow tube attached and pointing in your direction. GM Info The stew inside the pot and in the wooden bowls is a particularly foul concoction, made of some of the rotting foodstuffs from the storeroom in Area 4 and mixed with bits of meat from the rats the Skaven h...