
Showing posts from 2017

Thoughts On The Veiled Society

The Festival of Lucor What a railroad! It is a good set up. The characters get comfortable in town and unwittingly choose sides. So far, all I can think is making it a Warhammer adventure instead of D&D. Beneath The Floors Another strong-arm into adventure, leading to a short dungeon crawl. What they find in the crawl sets up the rest of the adventure. The Investigation Not much of an actual investigation, just the PCs forced to accompany the law to the scene of a crime. Then they can start looking for clues or going their own way if they want. Riot This covers most of the major actions the PCs could take during the day's riots. Will they become revolutionary leaders of the people or watch from the shadows? Employment The adventure is heavy-handed toward splitting the party and having them fight each other here. Most groups I've played with will have come up with alternate plans by now. Further Investigation Most groups I know will have c...

[D&D B/X] Kalmatta Campaign

My Character Kiri - Human Female Cleric, Child, Immaculate Clothing, Tall Companions Swarmah - Human Fighter Bergulf - Human Thief El Juann - NPC Man at Arms (Swarmah) Havae - NPC Man at Arms (Bergulf) Soloff - NPC Torch bearer (Swarmah) Newly arrived in town, the party of 3 went looking for hirelings. Swarmah and Bergulf were able to hire some brave men at arms and a torch bearer, but nobody was interested in hiring out to the female child cleric. Kiri pouted her way out of the inn and said she didn't want to hire anyone anyway. After gathering rumors, the group decided to head north toward the hopes of buried pirate treasure. On the way, they decided to stop to explore a broken down tower just outside of town. They traveled a path leading up to the tower, and found a broken cart with a body underneath. The body seemed to be made of wood and had it's chest cavity ripped open. Nearby were human remains. Kiri perfectly recited the burial prayer she had been taught ...

Link to CL Werner Interview

If you're a CL Werner fan, here's a link you will enjoy . If you're not a fan of Werner, well, Christmas is coming and you should grab an omnibus or two. :)

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 56

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Assassin (suffering from a Host of Fiends disability) My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Artisan/Mercenary/Champion Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Pistoleer/Engineer/??? Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician Maximillian - NPC Halfling Master of the Horse of Padua Udrin - NPC Elf Wizard Lord Tegort - NPC Ogre Gertrude - NPC Knight Envoy from Matildeburg to the north ( Previous Notes ) The manor house was full. Over full. It felt like half of Padua was in the Princep's manor. Udrin excused himself from the crowd. The crowd was annoying, and the proximity of the power stones was draining. Tegort escorted the elf upstairs and watched at his door. Maximillian had area maps spread out on a table in the study. He wished more specifics from Ludo about what to expect from Padua to Ubain. Ubain's militia had cleared the main road on their way to attack Padua. There would be no game ...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 54/55

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Assassin (suffering from a Host of Fiends disability) My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Artisan/Mercenary/Champion Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Pistoleer/Engineer/??? Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician Maximillian - NPC Halfling Master of the Horse of Padua Udrin - NPC Elf Wizard Lord Tegort - NPC Ogre (Previous Notes) (Session 54 happened without me.) Vaervenshyael excused herself to head for the manor. Ludo followed, inviting her up to the turret. The elf sarcastically agreed to visit. She was heading into the manor's small garden when an ogre walking up the main road caught her attention. She stopped to assess the situation and saw Tankred leading a handful of people behind the beast. She quickly headed into the manor to cut the creature off from the front door. Vaervenshyael ran through the manor, warning those she saw of an impending attack. Maximillian tried t...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 53.5

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Assassin (suffering from a Host of Fiends disability) My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Artisan/Mercenary/Champion Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Pistoleer/Engineer/??? Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician Maximillian - NPC Halfling Master of the Horse of Padua Azmir - NPC Local merchant and wizard in Padua ( Previous Notes ) Varvenshyael's shadow cast by Morrslieb's waning gibbous globe is crisply cut on the deck wood of Bianca. Pacing the deck in well travelled leather boots her shadow intersects with the same of boxes, barrels and gunwale. The mooring rope stretches with a creak and the Avon's current seemingly tries to pull Brianca back into its embrace. A shadow crosses the high cliff above the barge and disappears onto the steps cut into the sedmentiary rock. No careful step could avoid the constant shedding of sand and pebbles on the winding stairs to the mooring. Soo...

[D&D 2e] Eveningstar Campaign 35

My Character Gairloch Ironheart  - Svirfneblin Priest of Grumbar Companions Jemmabink - Gnome fighter Nina - Human Paladin of Helm Leonardo - Human Summoner Revoltac - Elf Ranger Vahael Corrolon - Human Cleric of Helm (absent) ( Previous notes ) It is one month until the King's party that we have all been invited to attend. One of our member was summoned to learn proper etiquette for such an affair. Vahael was chosen to go.  In the meanwhile, Gairloch worked on his excavations behind the keep. Gairloch awoke in the middle of the night sensing something disturbing in the direction of the Haunted Halls. He decided he should check the disturbance out immediately. Jemmabink was awake as well, and she thought they should wake everyone else up. They did and prepared the keep for the party's absence for an unknown amount of time. Before heading into the halls, Gairloch summoned his earth elemental, Brutus. Leonardo summoned an unseen servant (which he named ...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 53

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Assassin (suffering from a Host of Fiends disability and carrying a magical stone linked to gluttony) My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Artisan/Mercenary/Champion Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Pistoleer/Engineer/??? Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician Maximillian - NPC Halfling Master of the Horse of Padua Azmir - NPC Local merchant and wizard in Padua Black Thom - NPC Human Butler ( Previous Notes ) There is some talk of the shadow seen during the flash of the spell's light. Vaervenshyael ignores the insinuations, and passes the whole thing off as an effect of the spell only. Azmir stands himself up to try again. He sings loudly and clearly, with the pure light of Hysh flowing through him. Vaervenshyael recognizes it as the most pure casting she has ever heard from a non-elf. Suddenly the room explodes outward from Vaervenshyael. Anywhere from 10 to 20 pounds of yellow...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps Interlude 52.5

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Assassin (suffering from a Host of Fiends disability and carrying a magical stone linked to gluttony) My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Artisan/Mercenary/Champion Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Pistoleer/Engineer/??? Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician Maximillian - NPC Halfling Master of the Horse of Padua Azmir - NPC Local merchant and wizard in Padua Black Thom - NPC Human Butler ( Previous Notes ) The Princep's Manor House, Padua-on-Avon In a flash of light and a loud pop, like a tile cracking, Azmir's Hysh song ends. In that extended few moments Wilhelm, Tankred, and Johann see the room, its furnishings and occupants, in sharp relief and long shadows. Vaervenshyael's shadow stretches across the marbled floor to the wall. A larger shadow seems to twin her, a tall, thickly armored and helmeted form. Spiked, sharply pointed pauldrons, vambraces, gauntlets and gr...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 52

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Assassin (suffering from a Host of Fiends disability and carrying a magical stone linked to gluttony) My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Artisan/Mercenary/Champion Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Pistoleer/Engineer/??? Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician Gertrude - NPC Human Knight, emissary of Mathilde, prince in the north. Ludovic - NPC Human Prince of Padua Maximillian - NPC Halfling Master of the Horse of Padua Azmir - NPC Local merchant and wizard in Padua ( Previous Notes ) Vaervenshyael and Azmir find Maximillian at the Library in the Temple to Verena. After a bit of small talk, Maximillian escorts the two back to the manor...where Vaervenshyael started this man hunt quite a while ago. Maximillian talked of the defense of the town from Ubain's attack. It seemed to be all anyone could talk about. According to stories from the displaced of Ubain, the ruler, 9-10-11, re...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps Interlude 51.5

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Assassin (suffering from a Host of Fiends disability and carrying a magical stone linked to gluttony) My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Artisan/Mercenary/Champion Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Pistoleer/Engineer/??? Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician Gertrude - NPC Human Knight, emissary of Mathilde, prince in the north. Ludovic - NPC Human Prince of Padua Maximillian - NPC Halfling Master of the Horse of Padua Azmir - NPC Local merchant and wizard in Padua ( Previous Notes ) Meta: Does Azmir look anything like Abdul Al Shar? Answer: Azmir is an almost black skinned Arabyan. A salted black beard, shorter than you've seen in images of Abdul, but a profile that could be Abdul, older. He wears elaborate white robes of his color, Hysh, and can be often heard singing under his breath if he's not talking. Whether he worships still the one god of Araby is only rumor and of n...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 51

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Assassin (suffering from a Host of Fiends disability and carrying a magical stone linked to gluttony) My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Artisan/Mercenary/Champion Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Pistoleer/Engineer/??? Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician Gertrude - NPC Human Knight, emissary of Mathilde, prince in the north. Ludovic - NPC Human Prince of Padua Maximillian - NPC Halfling Master of the Horse of Padua Azmir - NPC Local merchant and wizard in Padua ( Previous Notes ) Mathilde stormed into the kitchen of the inn to call Vaervenshyael out for killing her rat catcher. Tankred tried to smooth things over between the two, but failed miserably (bad Fellowship roll). Vaervenshyael stepped up to speak for herself. She used etiquette and charm to convincingly relate her position and the series of events leading up to the bar room death. Mathilde insisted on a battle with ...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps Interlude 50.5

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Assassin (suffering from a Host of Fiends disability and carrying a magical stone linked to gluttony) My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Artisan/Mercenary/Champion Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Pistoleer/Engineer/??? Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician ( Previous Notes ) GM: Johann and Tankred awkwardly step toward the door of Mathilde Manse. Their clothing sticking to their wet skin and in the Kaldzeit chill giving them the look of a freshly plucked hens. The wet hair pulled back and dripping down their spines didn't add to the look. They know the man just inside the door speaking franticly with Mathilde and several of her house guard. He holds two cast iron pans, one in each hand, and is shouting about an elf and drunkard killing the newest hire of Mathilde, Jacque the Rat Gripper. "Minding his own business he was! Skewered him, and his dog too! Just like ...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 50

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Assassin (suffering from a Host of Fiends disability and carrying a magical stone linked to gluttony) My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Artisan/Mercenary/Champion Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Pistoleer/Engineer/??? Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician Imultrud - Knight NPC, liaison to Mathilde ( Previous Notes ) The party finally returned to Mathildeburg, the home of Imultrud, and the northern-most ally of Padua-Upon-Avon. Due to limited ration and drink on the trail, Wilhelm and Vaervenshyael were compelled to head straight to the Drunken Donkey tavern for some much needed sustenance. At the tavern, a barmaid "helpfully" reminded Vaervenshyael that the place offered baths. It seemed weeks on the trail from Barak Varr had left a noticeable stink on the party. Vaervenshyael dismissed the suggestion until she had gotten a suitable dinner.  "And, if I remember correctly, ...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 49

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Assassin My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Artisan/Mercenary/Champion Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Pistoleer/Engineer/??? Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician Imultrud - Knight NPC, liaison to Mathilde ( Previous Notes ) Does the party help the dwarves defend the bridge from the oncoming orc contingent? Does the party rush to get as far south as possible before the orcs reach the river? The options are taken out of the party's hand as the orcs arrive while the party discusses options. The orcs arrive with a couple stone trolls hauling ballistae. Homebrew mass battle rules are initiated. Vaervenshyael spends the first segment of combat on the edge of battle, trying to deftly take on 1-2 orcs at a time only. This strategy does not work, and she is wounded to almost half her full health total. The Fiend takes over. The next segment, she skewers goblins, opens the guts of o...

[D&D 2e] Eveningstar Campaign 34

My Character Gairloch Ironheart  - Svirfneblin Priest of Grumbar Companions Jemmabink - Gnome fighter Vahael Corrolon - Human Cleric of Helm Nina - Human Paladin of Helm Leonardo - Human Summoner Revoltac - Elf Ranger ( Previous notes ) Return to Eveningstar The party returned to Eveningstar from their recent assignment via Arabel. On the way into Eveningstar, Jemma wanted to stop to give young Anna some candy she bought in Arabel. Then it was on to see Lord Tessaril Winter. King Azoun was also with Lord Tessaril, awaiting our return. He was glad the party retrieved his dagger, but would not take it from us. Lord Tessaril did that on our way out. Instead, the King invited us to Suzail for his birthday party! Nina, being a paladin from Suzail, told us it was a very prestigious event and that only the top ranks were invited. The King said the party would be held at Lord Partic Thistle's. Return to The Keep The party returned to their keep, Keep Vigilant, to find ...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 48

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Assassin My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Artisan/Mercenary/Champion Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Pistoleer/Engineer/??? Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician Imultrud - Knight NPC, liaison to Mathilde ( Previous Notes ) Events as written by the GM: The knocks wake each of you almost at the same time. The cock hasn't crowed and it's pitch dark outside your windows. Each of you rouse yourselves from slumber to make out the knock becoming a pounding on your door. Someone curses and its answered a throaty voice of a dwarf to shut up. "Wake up! You're summoned to the high council of Barrak Varr. Quickly now. Don't keep them waiting! Dress. Collect all your belongings as well!" The message is the same to each of you, if varied only in the gruff or emphasis of the pounding on your door. Outside your room waits two armed dwarves, one less so than the other, both holding la...

Cat Summoning Tables

As a follow up to my Cat Summoner idea, I compiled this list from the various AD&D 2e Monstrous Manual and Compendiums (Compendia?). "Normal" cats would stick more to the spirit of the idea, but I also included optional monsters with cat parts. The list goes up to level 13, but the Monster Summoning spells only go to level 7, so that's where I stopped. To give you a taste of the rest, the only monster I listed at Level 13 is a Render. I, personally, would consider summoning a Render to either be a final act of life-or-death desperation or an act of Chaotic Evil. Enjoy! Monster Summoning 1 (Level 3 Spell) Level 1 Cat, Crypt : Normal (Compendium 2) Cat, Small: Domestic Cat, Small: Wild Cat, Winged: Lesser (Compendium 1) (Optional) Tiger Squirrel Monster Summoning 2 (Level 4 Spell) Level 2 Cat, Great: Giant Lynx Cat, Winged: Tressym (Compendium 1) (Optional) Feystag (Compendium 1) (Optional) Tabaxi Monster Summoning 3 (Level 5 Spell) ...

[D&D 2e] Eveningstar Campaign 33

My Character Gairloch Ironheart  - Svirfneblin Priest of Grumbar Companions Jemmabink - Gnome fighter Vahael Corrolon - Human Cleric of Helm Nina - Human Paladin of Helm Leonardo - Human Summoner Revoltac - Elf Ranger (Absent) ( Previous notes ) The Amazing Adventures of Jemmabink, the very same adventures that encouraged me to leave the comforts of the Underdark and travel to the World Above, these adventures are no more easy to believe now that I live them side-by-side with the legend Jemmabink herself. The lock on the iron door would not yield to our key, and we weren't quite ready to force it. We retraced our steps back to the antechamber to try another route. There was a door ajar on the east wall, just the way we left it. Jemmabink and Nina opened the door to a hallway. The hallway had two doors across from each other nearby and another two further on. The second door to the south lined up with the iron door we couldn't open. At its end, the hallway t...

Cat Summoner

What is the feasibility/playability of a Summoner who only summoned cats? I bet you could find different strength cats in various monster books to equate to every summoning spell: House cats, lynx, bobcat, cougar, cheetah, jaguar, leopard, lion, tiger, sabertooth, etc. I think it would be fun, but I'm a big cat fan (that is, a fan of cats larger than house cats).ļ»æ

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 47

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Assassin My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Artisan/Mercenary/Champion Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Pistoleer/Engineer/??? Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician Van Duster - Mercenary NPC Imultrud - Knight NPC, liaison to Mathilde Gertie - Knight NPC, liaison to Mathilde ( Previous Notes ) The party was four weeks into their stay at Barak Varr after finding the latest talisman. Vaervenshyael was hungry a lot. She had put on over 5 lbs, while still doing all the activity she was used to doing. Some mornings she woke up mad. Very mad. On the day she thought she might finally talk the party into returning to Padua (after all, Tankred's sword would not be finished for months yet), the dwarf guard entered the inn where the party was staying and requested the party join them at the gates to the Temple of Verena. Apparently the gates had been closed for some time, and the party me...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 46

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Assassin My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Artisan/Mercenary/Champion Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Pistoleer/Engineer/??? Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician Van Duster - Mercenary NPC ( Previous Notes ) Tankred kicked open yet another set of double doors. Inside was a pile of bones with a seat on top. In the seat was a humanoid in disturbing armor, borne by those Chosen of Chaos. The creature's helmet was shaped like the visage of Abdul Al Shar. He exuded chaos and terror. Johann and Vaervenshyael failed their terror tests. Tankred and Wilhelm attacked. Before the battle was over, Vaervenshyael failed 3 Terror tests, which lead to 3 Insanity Points, and 1 mental disability. For the disability, she rolled Host of Fiends. She will have to pass a Willpower test daily or be taken over by an Aspect of Khorne! This fits in perfectly with the campaign and her background. After...