
Showing posts from July, 2015

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 11

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Protagonist My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Mercenary Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Engineer Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Barber Surgeon ( Previous Notes ) The party boldly entered the front entrance of the megalith. Various rooms in the lower levels contained nothing but filth. Upstairs things got more interesting. (Meta: My character apparently contracted some kind of bed bug in a room full of hay. I don't know when she'll find out.) Up a short flight of stairs we found a room full of columns and murals. The murals looked like Arabyan armies on the march. There was a Sigmarite zealot in the back corner of the room. Wilhelm shot immediately (thinking he saw a beastman). The zealot got away and led us on a merry chase up many flights of stairs into the top of the tower. Vaervenshyael was able to overtake him before he reached the top. She chopped his legs out from under him...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 10.5

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Protagonist My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Mercenary Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Engineer Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Barber Surgeon ( Previous Notes ) Wilhelm kicked over the body the zealot that struck him with the whip...a woman! Her features otherwise indeterminate beneath the filth and rags of her dedication to Sigmar. Johann and Varvenshyael found cover from the looming megalith for the Verenan Roderic Leer. Unconscious still, Varvenshyael considered Leer's words, "I know the truth." Johann considered these words and the condition of the priest. He will live. Tankred considered the megalith, the ragged entrance and torches that revealed little about what lied beyond them. In the quiet of the mind, punctuated only by the words of Johann and Varvenshyael over the priest, the echoes of Wilhelm's hand cannon remained. The shadow of the megalith lengthened as t...

First Level D&D Monsters

I don't always want to use kobolds, goblins, and giant rats for first level adventures. Let's see what else I can dredge up out of the 2e Monstrous Manual, not including psionics or good creatures: Bat, Common 1-2 hp Bat, Large 1/2 - 1 HD Beetle, Fire 1+2 HD Bird (various) Bullywug 1 HD Cat, Wild 1 HD Centipede, Giant 2 hp Crawling Claw 2-4 hp Dog, Wild 1+1 HD Dwarf, Duergar 1+2 HD Fish (various) Frog (various) Fungus, Gas spore 1 hp Gibberling 1 HD Gremlins (4/6 listed are 1-1 HD or less) Grippli 1+1 HD Hatori (sand crocodile), Lesser 1-5 HD Hobgoblin 1+1 HD (yeah, a goblin, but it may be considered a change still) Human (various) Insect, (various, each with interesting abilities) Insect swarm Ixitxachitl 1+1 HD Leech, giant 1-4 HD Mammal (various) Merman 1+1 HD Mold Men 1 to 6 HD Mongrelmen 1-4 HD Muckdweller 1/2 HD Myconid 1-6 HD Piercer 1-4 HD Plant, Intelligent, Obliviax 1-2 hp Poltergeist 1/2 HD Skeleton 1 HD (don't forget animal skel...

Renegade Princeps Introspection 10

Here are some thoughts from the players about the direction the characters are going. I had to mull over Vaervenshyael's reaction to seeing Roderic hanging and dying: I still maintain that my actions were completely in character considering 1) the bloody Sigmarite zealots had been goading me since we first saved them from the beastmen. Then their friends did the same at the tower. 2) My background states I am "against injustice" and "take the law in my own hands". 3) the priest really is a resident of Padua, and I work for Prince Ludovic. 4) I did not attack them first. I drew my sword to cut down the priest and only defended myself once attacked. 5) It's a bit more meta, but: the tooth. Don't forget the tooth. I just needed to write that out to convince myself I'm not still playing Mordrin. It seems valid to me.ļ»æ The Doctor's player chimed in: I don't disagree, and I think there are plenty of totally valid reasons why elves may d...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 10

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Protagonist My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Mercenary Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Engineer Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Barber Surgeon ( Previous Notes ) The three Sigmarite zealots previously rescued from a pack of wild beastmen proceeded to ignore the female elf as much as possible during their travels. Instead they spoke of one "High Hammer" who will show the party "the works of their faith at the tower." They claim to have purged the Ruinous Powers from the tower. Which leads Vaervenshyael to presume that Chaos has been in the tower at some point. She does not take kindly to the slurs from the zealots and points out, "Sigmar has no place here. You are far from home." They retaliate with a threat, "You are far from home *and* outnumbered, elf." Vaervenshyael admits to them that she is outnumbered, but not outmanned. The final useful bit of info...