
Showing posts from November, 2013

[WFRP 2e] Morrslieb's Shadow 23

My PC Maximillian Morningglory , Halfling Agitator My companions Udrin Sor-Valdir - High Elf Wizard Ludovic Hasselhoff  - Human Entertainer Absent Players/NPCs Gustav Jaeger - Human Priest of Verena Ehrwig Hofstetter - Imperial Knight of Sigmar Farnoth - High Elf NPC From Maximillian's journal: ( Previous update) The Verenean priestesses are teaching me how to read and write! Let me tell of the amazing turn my life has taken in the past few days.  The group I had started guiding turned out to be a party of chaos hunters. They had a map and an amulet that overlaid it, showing the locations of pockets of evil. They spoke of these secret plans very openly to me, and I determined to join them in their quest. The elf, Udrin, seemed to be the spiritual adviser of the group, while the knight seemed to be the voice...which is too bad, because he was quite overbearing. It seemed to me that Ludovic would have made a better speaker for the group, but whe...

Lothar: Beginnings

I'm not sure why I've never posted this on my gaming blog. I wrote it up in 4 parts in 2008. Here's the entirety. Part 1 Lothar drove another replacement post into the ground behind Hobgoblin Wall. This section of the wall was named after the creatures that caused the wall to be built. Fifty years prior, the greenskins had attacked the town from out of the surrounding forest. A short rock wall which used to demark the townā€™s outer edge was the only thing separating the townā€™s defenders from the vicious goblinoids. After the attack, Hobbly decided to raise a more permanent barrier around town. Yesterday, though, it was a Chaos band led by a large, black armored warrior that had weakened the section. The post slid deep into the earth and Lothar started replacing the dirt around it. Fā€™lore, a suicidal dwarf recruited for his immense strength, held the post straight while Lothar worked. ā€œYe should get out and see more of the world, lad. Ye donā€™t alwae need to hide here be...

Character Profiles: Maximillian Morningglory (WFRP 2e)

Maximillian is a halfling Agitator. He was previously a Fieldwarden...until tragedy struck his houshold. The tranquil lives of the Morningglory family were shattered one day as the restless dead from Sylvania crossed the land on some mysterious task for their undead master. Maximillian was out on patrol and wasn't around as his hometown was raided. When he arrived, he found his home destroyed and both his parents dead. His siblings were all missing. (A little GM fodder.) Maximillian was left with no posessions and nothing to fall back on beside what was on him and his horse, Magnus. He now holds a burning hatred for chaos (he doesn't distinguish between chaos and undead). Maximillian is a halfing male. He is 70 years old, 3'8" tall, 100 lbs with corn-colored hair and dark brown eyes. Starter Profile WS 21% BS 45% S 21% T 17% Ag 45% Int 34% WP 36% Fel 35% A 1 W 8 SB 2 TB 1 M 4 Mag 0 IP 1 FP 2 Skills: Academic Knowledge - Necromancy, Acad...

[WFRP 2e] Morrslieb's Shadow 22

My PC Mordrin Skorkinson , Giant Slayer. My companions: Udrin Sor-Valdir  - High Elf Wizard Gustav Jaeger  - Human Priest of Verena Ludovic Hasselhoff  - Human Entertainer Ehrwig Hofstetter  - Imperial Knight (Griffin?/Panther?) of Sigmar From Mordrin's point of view: ( Previous updates ) Mordrin's Doom Mordrin lit the smoke bomb and once again heard the deep elgi phrases from the other side of the door. He smashed the doors open with his hammer and surveyed the room on the other side. There was a dark elf near the door, shocked at the dwarf's violent entry. The wyvern on the other side of the room held Mordrin's attention. Mordrin ignored the elf, having slain many of them in the past and not finding them worth his time and effort. The creature on the other side of the room was much larger than the last wyvern he encountered. And he was alone to fight it this time. The beast was also surprised at the dwarf's entry and didn't react at all to t...

[WFRP 2e] Mordrin-Final Interlude

The Black Ark My PC Mordrin Skorkinson , Giant Slayer. My companions: Udrin Sor-Valdir  - High Elf Wizard Gustav Jaeger  - Human Priest of Verena Ludovic Hasselhoff  - Human Entertainer Ehrwig Hofstetter  - Imperial Knight of Sigmar From Mordrin's point of view: ( Previous updates ) Mordrin stepped through the portal into a laboratory of some kind. There were jars and paperwork all around. He scanned the room for any more explosives and, finding none, set his sights on a set of spiral stairs going down. At Udrin's suggesting, Mordrin heads down the stairs with Ehrwig to search for the origin of a loud thumping noise. Standing in a corner at the bottom of the stairs are three robed Elves discussing a book.  The three look to the stair. Wide eyes, mouths drop, save one. Mordrin and Farnoth lock eyes. In the next moments, everything happens in a burst: Farnoth shoves the book into the hands of one of Elf, speaks something arcane and presses the o...