[D&D B/X] Kalmatta Campaign

My Character Kiri - Human Female Cleric, Child, Immaculate Clothing, Tall Companions Swarmah - Human Fighter Bergulf - Human Thief El Juann - NPC Man at Arms (Swarmah) Havae - NPC Man at Arms (Bergulf) Soloff - NPC Torch bearer (Swarmah) Newly arrived in town, the party of 3 went looking for hirelings. Swarmah and Bergulf were able to hire some brave men at arms and a torch bearer, but nobody was interested in hiring out to the female child cleric. Kiri pouted her way out of the inn and said she didn't want to hire anyone anyway. After gathering rumors, the group decided to head north toward the hopes of buried pirate treasure. On the way, they decided to stop to explore a broken down tower just outside of town. They traveled a path leading up to the tower, and found a broken cart with a body underneath. The body seemed to be made of wood and had it's chest cavity ripped open. Nearby were human remains. Kiri perfectly recited the burial prayer she had been taught ...