[D&D 2e] Eveningstar Campaign 31

My Character Gairloch Ironheart - Svirfneblin Priest of Grumbar Companions Jemmabink - Gnome fighter Nina - Human Paladin of Helm with her Dire Wolf mount Vahael Corrolon - Human Cleric of Helm Revoltac - Elf Ranger with raven and Kodiak bear companions Kaiden - Half Elf Mage ( Previous notes ) The party spent a lot of time talking about upgrades to their new keep, assignment of rooms, and others to invite in to help run the place. There was a period of three days in which Gairloch did nothing but cleanup and repairs (made easier by using Dig , Soften Earth and Stone , and Stone Shape ). It took 3 days to rid the keep of the bodies of the giants and bugbears that previously inhabited it. On day 3, a tall, blue man in a magnificent cart arrived. It was an extravagantly long cart, pulled by 12 horses. Jemmabink reportedly knew the man driving the cart and called him Sereem. He apparently arrived at the whimsical summons of Jemma as a merchant to buy and sell some o...