The Burning Plague Area 2

The Greeting Room Unless the PCs have their own light source, this room is dark. Flavor Text The tunnel opens into a small, roughly rectangular chamber. Scattered chunks of silver ore surround an overturned pair of wooden carts. The lower half of what appears to be a human body juts out from beneath one of the cartās edges. It shows no signs of movement. Dried blood is smeared across the northern wall in several places. Some old clay pots lie about the floor. Exits lead to the west and the east. Trap The cart the body is pinned beneath is rigged with a line attached to a stone concealed in the ceiling above hanging over an empty clay pot. There is a -10% chance to see this line when Searching due to the lighting and the lineās thinness. Anyone disturbing the cart, either by turning it over or by seeking to drag the body out from beneath it, will snap the line and send the stone crashing to the clay pot. Anyone within 10 feet of the cart will be affected by the resu...