[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 23
My PC Vaervenshyael - Female Elf Duellist My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann - Human Veteran Wilhelm Hechland - Human Pistoleer Doctor Johann Wilhelm Woeller - Human Physician Roderick - NPC Priest of Verena Otto - His scribe Friebald - NPC Mercenary working for Tankred Van Duster - NPC Mercenary working for Tankred ( Previous Notes ) The light of Tankred's lantern and Otto's triple-wicked candle illuminated the dead end. There were new noises coming from behind the northern door, against which a pile of foul-smelling detritus lay. The noises accompanied a scratching, muted by the thick wood of the door and waste pile. Roderick jumped back from the pile, knocking into Johann, who was pushing what looked like a rotted fruit skināmaybe?āoff the surface. "Somethingādon't ask me what it wasāwas just pulled under the door...," spat Roderick, his eyes wide, and the light shifted as Otto tilted his head to get a better lo...