The Burning Plague Disease

I have this idea to slowly share my converted adventure of The Burning Plague. I have already altered it from D&D to WarHammer Fantasy Roleplay, but now I'm altering it more to switch the baddies from goblinoids to Skaven. It seems like a large task, but if I split it up into sections I might be able to realize it. Then, if I post a section of the map with each room description, it might be even cooler. As I said, it's a large task for the middle of a college semester.



The Burning Plague is a disease spread by contact. Although generally transmitted by rats and vermin,Tiklisp has, by virtue of his Skaven magic, managed to sour the springs feeding the wells of Duvik’s Pass with it as well. The Plague has a very short lifespan, generally requiring an individual to be repeatedly exposed to it before causing serious harm. Its symptoms include 1) fever, 2) searing muscular pains, 3) clenching of the throat and possible choking, 4) fatigue and potentially death.

For the purposes of this adventure, any time a PC comes into contact with a monster or item that has been noted as contagious, he or she must make an immediate Disease (T) check. Success indicates that the character has managed to avoid infection, although repeated or continued contact over subsequent rounds should result in further saving throws. Failing the saving throw results in infection.

In the case of infection, nothing transpires for the first 24 hours after a failed Disease check. This is the Burning Plague’s incubation period. After 24 hours have passed, the infected (and now contagious) adventurer suffers the temporary ability loss of 1T.

Once per week afterward, he or she must make a successful Disease check to avoid further T loss (at the same rate of 1 point of temporary loss a day). Two successful saving throws in a row indicate that the character has overcome the disease, although it can be contracted once again by contact with a contagious object or individual. A character reduced to 0 T dies. There are no means available to escape the Plague, aside from successfully waiting out the disease or receiving the benefits of a character with Cure Disease skill.

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