
Showing posts from February, 2014

Game 3: Dwimmermount

The third (and last) game I ran might have been the most fun of them all.  I ran an amazing game of Dwimmermount set in the Warhammer world.  I set it in the Warhammer world because it's the system I can run with the least effort in preparation. Time is precious these day.  The party was hired as the exploratory group in a large, costly expedition to Lustria. The Lustria setting lent itself to an easy conversion of orcs to lizardmen and kobolds to skinks. The party somehow managed to take the most violent route possible through the first level of the megadungeon. In the end, they confronted the mad dwarf king, his skink minions, and the giant spider. It was the very last hour of the convention, and I didn't know if I had the mental capability of running a mad dwarf king. I seemed to do OK even though the party decided to attack him. The final battle was brutal, but the party survived. I look forward to running a continuation next year with as many repeat playe...

The Burning Plague Disease

I have this idea to slowly share my converted adventure of  The Burning Plague . I have already altered it from D&D to WarHammer Fantasy Roleplay, but now I'm altering it more to switch the baddies from goblinoids to Skaven. It seems like a large task, but if I split it up into sections I might be able to realize it. Then, if I post a section of the map with each room description, it might be even cooler. As I said, it's a large task for the middle of a college semester. Introduction History Future THE BURNING PLAGUE The Burning Plague is a disease spread by contact. Although generally transmitted by rats and vermin,Tiklisp has, by virtue of his Skaven magic, managed to sour the springs feeding the wells of Duvikā€™s Pass with it as well. The Plague has a very short lifespan, generally requiring an individual to be repeatedly exposed to it before causing serious harm. Its symptoms include 1) fever, 2) searing muscular pains, 3) clenching of the throat and possible ch...

Game 2: Through the Drakwald

When I ran this game , I felt lucky that only my friends (and only a few of them) signed up to play.  Out of the three games, this is the one I hadn't run before, though I had read through the adventure a few times. My inexperience definitely showed. All in all, I'd say it would make a much better adventure in the midst of a campaign. The PCs could have fought their way there, fought in the battle for the town, and then helped lead the villagers out. It could also use some random events interspersed with the rest of the encounters. It should have taken a lot longer to play through, if I had done it right. My only saving grace in this one was that a PC did get attached to Granny Mosher and was set up for a big surprise at the end.

The Burning Plague Future

I have this idea to slowly share my converted adventure of  The Burning Plague . I have already altered it from D&D to WarHammer Fantasy Roleplay, but now I'm altering it more to switch the baddies from goblinoids to Skaven. It seems like a large task, but if I split it up into sections I might be able to realize it. Then, if I post a section of the map with each room description, it might be even cooler. As I said, it's a large task for the middle of a college semester. Introduction History OF THINGS TO COME The basic storyline and ensuing action of the adventure is fairly straightforward. The player characters can explore the upper reaches of the mines and encounter the Skaven clans awaiting them there. The Skaven are in a usual particularly paranoid frame of mind. They fear the humans in the town below. They fear the other clans. They fear the Grey Seer and his bodyguard. Being particularly dim creatures to begin with, the Skaven have decided to hole up in the en...