
Showing posts from October, 2024

Thoughts on Stalwart Adventures 6

Zak intentionally practiced Pick Pocket and made a few coins without getting caught. He also spent his downtime on the trip reading A Study of the Goblin Tongue . I’ll spend character points on that language when he levels up. Not a lot else went on during the session. There was a lot of out-of-game chat, and nobody felt the need to keep on task only.  Next session we welcome back another player to the table, so the party should meet a new friend!

[D&D 2e] Stalwart Adventures 6

Zak – Half Elf Thief Wizard (Me) Thanin – Human Fighter Ogurdan – Dwarf Priest of Selune The party took a room at the Red Hawk Inn, and then decided it was time for the in-town, money spendy type thing. They got an armorer working on making dwarf sized armor out of the ankheg plates they hauled back to town. There was a bunch of resupplying of arrows, rations, and the like. A couple purchases of note included a magical lock (command word: ginger), a poison antidote, and some healing potions. There was an increased concern of the other two being able to keep the cleric alive, should they get into more trouble. They were quite unexpectedly summoned to the Baron’s house for dinner. The Baron, Elward Aramax, offered to pay the group a monthly stipend if they fixed up their keep well enough for him to billet soldiers. Fans of the subscription model, the group agreed to his offer. To help, the Baron suggested the party obtain aid from mountain dwarves known to live in the north. The party pa...