Thoughts on Stalwart Adventures 5
Zak did nominate Thanin for party leader, after pointing out they may be suffering a bit from lack of a leadership structure. Poor Thanin has trouble not getting all the HP knocked out of her at any given fight, but we did sort of act as if there was a party leader a couple times after the nomination. I got more practice with Find Traps and Open Locks. I’m still quite a way from leveling up this multi class half elf. I haven’t been successful with spells other than Sleep so far, and it changes the idea I have for this character. If he’s not casting Illusion spells to cover his tracks, why *does* he bother with all the work of being multi class? It was quite amazing to pile our loot together and find we had enough for the keep. I don’t think even the DM knew it was going to add up before we did it. But just because you can afford to buy a keep doesn’t mean you can afford to repair and maintain one! Let alone defend it from predators. This seems like something that will be the center of ...