Thoughts On The Veiled Society

The Festival of Lucor What a railroad! It is a good set up. The characters get comfortable in town and unwittingly choose sides. So far, all I can think is making it a Warhammer adventure instead of D&D. Beneath The Floors Another strong-arm into adventure, leading to a short dungeon crawl. What they find in the crawl sets up the rest of the adventure. The Investigation Not much of an actual investigation, just the PCs forced to accompany the law to the scene of a crime. Then they can start looking for clues or going their own way if they want. Riot This covers most of the major actions the PCs could take during the day's riots. Will they become revolutionary leaders of the people or watch from the shadows? Employment The adventure is heavy-handed toward splitting the party and having them fight each other here. Most groups I've played with will have come up with alternate plans by now. Further Investigation Most groups I know will have c...