[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 30

My PC Vaervenshyael - Female Elf Duellist My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann - Human Artisan/Mercenary Wilhelm Hechland - Human Pistoleer/Engineer Doctor Johann Wilhelm Woeller - Human Physician ( Previous Notes ) Vaervenshyael mentioned assassinating the female knights before leaving, so they don't get in the way. If she is able to convince the group not to leave Sulzerberg the next day, she is going to start tracking the knights' patterns during the day, and especially sleeping patterns. "Other than Rosehilda's headstart, I do not see any reason for us to rush out of this town. Tankred is wounded and nursing stitches. Wilhelm needs time to...feel better after his recent intoxication. I suggest we wait a few days, maybe a week, until after Tankred's stitches are removed. What think you all?" Tankred: " We won't need a week. 3 days at most for me to be fit." Johann: "I should like t...