
Showing posts from January, 2016

The Jerk

I think I was "that guy" at the gaming convention. I attacked other characters, the characters of people sitting right across from me playing D&D. I think I may need to apologize. We were playing a 5e adventure called Smash & Grab. We were to enter a complex to retrieve a magical lamp before other parties could find it. Little did we know what this really meant. The characters we were using were C/N, N, L/N. There were no good characters at our table, and there were no evil characters at our table. I had a C/N tiefling warlock. We found out, through the adventure, that there was another party in the complex, less than an hour ahead of us, that was also after the magic lamp. We set our sights on this party and tried hard to catch up with them. We were pretty sure that they not only wanted to get to the lamp before us but they also had retrieved some items along the way that we needed to fulfill our quest. Well, we did catch up to them, and what happened really su...

Four Very Different D&D 5e Experiences

At SnowCon last weekend, I played four four-hour sessions of D&D 5e. I came away with four completely different experiences. The first game was Death & Taxes , with Edwin Nagy (Lesser Gnome Zach Glazier was also at the convention, but he was wandering around enjoying himself elsewhere in the room). There was a fine balance of exploration and fighting in this session. It was my first 5e session of the con, and I was getting used to playing the edition again. I found my dragonborn cleric rather interesting, and I was also interested in how the other players ran the other characters at the table. We were unable to finish the adventure (it is an entire boxed set), but it got me interested in 5e and interested in maybe purchasing the Death & Taxes boxed set. The second game was called Coming Down the Mountain. We were escorting a caravan through a mountain pass and had to stop for the night in a waystation near the top of the mountain. We were woefully nonproficient and all...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 20

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Duellist My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Veteran Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Pistoleer Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician ( Previous Notes ) Angestag, Erntezeit 20, 2531 Each of you wake late. The events of the night before exhausting. New aches, cuts and bruises to tend to yet already there is talk of action. The talismans may be known, but now they must be recovered. Back to the tower the halfling and the Princeps demand. Recover the talisman there and find the next before the Abdul Al'shar does something more rash than sending assassins for books. Oh damn, those bells are ringing again. Time to wake up. Time to learn what surprises 9-10-11 has left Padua for discovery in the morning.ļ»æ ( Meta: I am preparing early for my next career. I don't want the trappings to be unavailable when I'm ready to advance. I bought some at the beginning of this sitting and commis...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 19

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Duellist My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Veteran Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Pistoleer Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician ( Previous Notes ) The Fight in the Warehouse We learn from Roderic, the priest of Verena, that the next talisman is the leather skin of a great frog. He states that the blood of a great frog will reveal the third talisman. We were in Azmir's warehouse. While learning these things, the party was attacked by spies. They came through the window of the second story room we were in. Vaervenshyael grabbed the tooth off the table in front of them and drew her rapier. She was unable to disarm the foe, but pierced him with the sword a couple times. The party was able to defeat the attackers, but not before they set Azmir's warehouse on fire. A search showed they were Arabyan with black turbins. The party joined in a bucket brigade to save the warehouse...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 18

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Duellist My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Veteran Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Engineer Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician ( Previous Notes ) The party slid out the postern gate to the temple of Morr. They were asked to set the bodies out just so. There were circles. There were mirrors. There were insanity points for witnessing the ritual of summoning a soul back into a body to question it. Wilhelm continued to be tormented by the brutality such magic necessitates. He started to scream and pull his handgun. Vaervenshyael worked to muffle his screams with one hand and disarm him with the other. Too much noise would interrupt the ritual. The recently deceased priest's corpse spoke of "Nurgle's corruption...pouring out of the west." However, the old priest's corpse saw a tower. It saw dark winds pouring forth from the tower. It saw "the three of them" entering...