
Showing posts from 2016

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 41

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Assassin My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Artisan/Mercenary/Champion Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Pistoleer/Engineer/??? Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician Van Duster - Mercenary NPC Imeltrud - Knight, liason to Mathilda NPC Gertie - Knight, liason to Mathilda NPC ( Previous Notes ) The party followed the Verenean apprentice, Acolyte Jervais Duchez, through the clogged streets of Barak Varr and into the temple quarter.  The party was concerned with lodgings, so they were shown to The Stonecutter's Thumb ( Den Daumen des Steinbrechers ).  The proprieter was a short, old halfling woman. Those interested enjoyed a warm bath. The party then met downstairs, where the boys started drinking all the Bugman's they could get their hands on...and for quite a hefty price. GM: Aubentag, Kaldezeit 13, 2531 The party settles near the hearth of The Stonecutter's Thumb. ...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 40

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Assassin My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Artisan/Mercenary/Champion Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Pistoleer/Engineer/??? Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician ( Previous Notes ) Mathilda had promised to resupply the party if they helped the town clean up after the Morrslieb rat attack. Vaervenshyael had no desire to sully herself with the dead of the town, so she used a long (long) handled broom to sweep up debris...both organic and inorganic. Resupplying included a trip to an old Myrmidian temple and finding a supply of gunpowder for both Vaervenshyael and Wilhelm to take advantage of. The next day there was excessive consideration of trade between Mathildaburg and Padua. The Doctor seemed to think that Padua could supply its excess alcohol and Mathildaburn could supply its excess armaments, many of which were seen in the bowels of the temple. Considering the time of ye...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 39

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Assassin My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Artisan/Mercenary/Champion Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Pistoleer/Engineer/??? Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician Key NPCs ( Previous Notes ) Vaervenshyael noticed Wilhelm asking around town about where the witch had lived. He was not having any luck, so she offered to show him where she had purchased the poison from the witch. It was a hovel set into an alleyway. Behind the hovel was an old, burnt building with barely discernible owl reliefs. Word on the street was a temple to Verena had burned down a few months ago. The witch burning was a success. Each member of the party was off doing their own thing. Vaervenshyael was mingling when she heard Tankred yelling from the dock area. She caught something about the water rising and rats in the streets. At the same time, the burning witch on the pyre looked up and gasped. She look...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 38

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Assassin My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Artisan/Mercenary/Champion Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Pistoleer/Engineer/??? Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician Key NPCs Imaltrude - Female Knight and new ruler of Sulzerberg. ( Previous Notes ) The party arrived in Sulzerberg. The plinth was still toppled, never having been righted after the events that had caused it to fall. The many billboards from the plinth area had been collected to make what looked like fuel for a bonfire...or a burning. The news from town is that they had found a witch, and they were going to burn her. She reportedly controlled dogs which foamed at the mouth. Imaltrude herself had hauled the woman out of an alley. We stabled our horses in the very building where the witch was being held. All of us, excepting Tankred, stopped to look down the rustic oubliette holding the witch. Johann began question...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 37

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Assassin My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Artisan/Mercenary/Champion Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Pistoleer/Engineer/??? Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician ( Previous Notes ) The party was tasked with traveling from Padua-on-Avon to Barak Varr to retrieve a power stone disguised as a talisman once hanging from a sheik's staff of office. Before leaving, Vaervenshyael commissioned Wilhelm to make her a pin ring, which would allow her to discreetly deliver the poison she had acquired in the previous sitting. Since Wilhelm lacks in simplicity and not imagination, the ring turned out to be a little more than she had asked for*. However, when unattached from it's accessories, the ring will work as she desired. Also before leaving, there were reports from woodsmen who work in the east that Ubain may be mobilizing for potential battle. There was no time to waste if Padua wanted...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 36

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Assassin My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Artisan/Mercenary/Champion Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Pistoleer/Engineer Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician ( Previous Notes ) The party returned to Sulzerberg. Vaervenshyael decided to lay low due to her last botched attempt to find poison in the town. Neither her nor Wilhelm were able to find gunpowder. She did, however, get a lead when buying some throwing knives. Vaervenshyael was directed to an alleyway where a crazy old lady with rabid dogs sold poison. (My elf now carries fantasy rabies.) Mathilda became the default leader of the town, officially sword in while the party recuperated. Gurdy became an adviser and was made a diplomat to Padua. Vaervenshyael suggested a formal accord be signed, and then she sent a pigeon to Padua with the news. "Achieved objective. Alliance with Sulzerberg. Will return ASAP." The party...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 35

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Duellist My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Artisan/Mercenary/Champion Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Pistoleer/Engineer Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician ( Previous Notes ) Tankred was looting bodies. A door opened to the east. In flowed a smell of heavy incense. Out walked a chiseled, naked man, taller than the large Champion. The party stared in awe at the perfection of form, be it man or elf. The form was the exact image of Abdul Al Shar. The man's eyes were pitch black, without pupils. Vaervenshyael felt goosebumps run up her spine. Al Shar laid a claim on all those present. Tankred responded with his sword. Vaervenshyael was hesitant to strike at the perfection of Al Shar, but she knew her mind was being manipulated. She slid under the large dining room table beside Abdul and thrust her rapier into the man's leg. The man turned from his battle with Tankred and threw ...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 34

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Duellist My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Artisan/Mercenary/Champion Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Pistoleer/Engineer Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician ( Previous Notes ) "Well," Johann begins, "I think I may be able to speak to her. She speaks a somewhat rough Arabic, perhaps communication may not be out of the question." Johann thinks a moment then continues, "While she is distracted perhaps the rest or even just one of you can find what it is that she guards."ļ»æ Vaervenshyael: "I'm the one most likely able to sneak in quietly." ļ»æVaervenshyael even took the cotton out of her ears so as to hear what is going on better. Vaervenshyael sneaked into the lair using her Concealment and Silent Move skills. The giant turned to notice. Johann stepped out and started talking to it, distracting it from the elf. Distractions did not work, and Tankred had ...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 33

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Duellist My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Artisan/Mercenary/Champion Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Pistoleer/Engineer Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician ( Previous Notes ) Wilhelm watched Tankred disappear through a hole in the floor. Wilhelm went next. Left in the dark, Vaervenshyael followed their motions as best as she was able. She fell on top of Wilhelm. They were all on a landing jutting out into another lake area. Attached to the landing were rowboats. To the north and south were beaches. To the east was a waterfall. On the landing was a statue with a black orb in its hands. Above was a text in an unknown language. The doctor translated it to "farewell." The party rowed to the north beach. It was narrow, with nothing remarkable around but cave wall. Johann spotted light from around doors on the southern beach. The party headed that way in the boats. Partway acro...

[WFRP 2e] Princeps Interlude 32.5

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Duellist My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Artisan/Mercenary/Champion Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Pistoleer/Engineer Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician ( Previous Notes ) Vaervenshyael : Johann knelt in front of the statue. Vaervenshyael heard the sound of stone scraping against stone behind her and turned to see the slab returning to its place across the doorway. When she turned back, Johan was gone.ļ»æ Tankred was not happy. Very not happy. He didn't like magic, didn't trust magic, and frankly it scared him. And now he is covered in demon viscera. Ulric and Sigmar know if he was going to catch some weird chaos plague now. Damn wizards should leave well enough alone. ļ»æ Wilhelm didn't think Tankred had anything to fear from him. He was just achieving a better understanding of the natural world in hopes to understand how to help people heal.ļ»æ He was sure this all could be ...

[D&D 2e] The Tomb of the Lizard King 1

Mist:  Human Shadow Walker (Mage/Thief) Level 4 Jairus:  Elven Mage/Thief Level 3/4 Kell:  Human Ravager (Barbarian) Level 4 Sanaka:  Human Windwalker (Priest) Level 4 Gunel:  Human Fighter/Gladiator Level 4 Droop: Goblin Lackey (Fighter) Level 1 ( Previous notes ) The Palace of the Count of Eor The party was Quested by the church of Ilmater to assist the Count of Eor in his time of need. They traveled north then east from Neverwinter to Vendare, the capital of Eor. (Meta: Do not look for this on a map of Faerun. I plopped it where it was convenient. Think east of The Crags.)  They met with the Count and his clerical advisor. They passed whatever final tests the cleric secretly put them to and were taken into the Count's confidence: "You are accepted for this task. What you must do seems simple. Travel to the village of Waycombe in the south. Learn the fate of my squad of men; they were led by Barto Trume, one of my most trusted soldie...

The Lost Mine of Phandelver Complete Play Report

(I have merged all my Phandelver posts into this one for easy access.) [D&D 2e] Lost Mine of Phandelver 1 A couple months ago, our D&D DM switched up responsibilities at work and stated he couldn't run our games for a while. He offered to let me run something while he got back in the groove at work. We play 2nd edition D&D, but I wanted to play the Lost Mine of Phandelver. I wanted our group to be part of a shared adventure experience, though we play an old edition. Last month we got together and made characters. Here's what I have going into the game: Human Shadow Walker  (Wizards and Rogues of the Realm Handbook) Human Justifier  (Complete Book of Rangers) Elven Mage/Thief Human Ravager  (Complete Book of Barbarians) Human Windwalker  (Specialty priest of Shaundakul - Faiths and Avatars) Human Fighter  using the Gladiator kit I can tell I'm going to have to step up the number of enemies listed in the adventure. [D&D 2e] Lost M...

[WFRP 2e] Renegade Princeps 32

My PC Vaervenshyael  - Female Elf Duellist My companions Tankred "Silver Bear" Tenneckermann  - Human Artisan/Mercenary Wilhelm Hechland  - Human Pistoleer/Engineer Doctor  Johann Wilhelm Woeller  - Human Physician ( Previous Notes ) From the southern end of the room, two forms began...flirting with the party. They approached Tankred in a haughty manner. Tankred suggested foul magic, and he attacked the forms. Vaervenshyael waited around a corner with her guns loaded and ready to fire. Her first shot missed, and the sensual beings were upon them. Vaervenshyael drew her rapier and lunged at the form on the right. She was distracted by the lusts emanating from the creature, but she managed to slay one, with Wilhelm's assistance, while Tankred killed the other. The party entered through two doors beyond the dead...demons. Inside, a large room held an 8 sided dais. In the middle was a pedestal with a grey flame flickering above. Harpies erupted...

Not-so-random Thoughts on Random Encounters

I think it's fair to say that encounter tables are meant to be tailored for your adventure, your campaign, your world. If something on the table doesn't fit, you're not using the proper table. The tables in published modules usually fit because the author(s) have selected creatures that make sense for the adventure. Next: a random encounter doesn't mean a fight. That's what reaction rolls and reaction adjustments are for. (Remember that Charisma score you used as a dump stat...). Maybe the bugbears approach cautiously because they have recently been in one scrape and are in no shape to be in another. Maybe the barbarian encounter you rolled is a group who wants to trade. Tailor the encounter result to your game.  Again, a random encounter doesn't mean a fight. That's why there are chances of things that aren't "level appropriate" (Side note: there's no such consideration for "old school" games). If you roll a dragon, nothi...

[D&D 2e] The Lost Mine of Phandelver 6 *SPOILERS*

Mist:  Human Shadow Walker (Mage/Thief) Jairus:  Elven Mage/Thief Kell:  Human Ravager (Barbarian) Sanaka:  Human Windwalker (Priest) Gunel:  Human Fighter/Gladiator ( Previous notes ) Finishing the Caves The party left off in a starry cavern with two rooms worked into the eastern side. One was on the level where they entered, and the other room was down a flight of stairs worked into an escarpment. They tried a door to the room near where they entered and ended up having a tea party with a slightly mad Beholder-kin. They left this room, headed down the stairs, and explored the room at the bottom. The door was cracked open, it's hinges melted. It took a couple of the stronger members of the party to pull the doors open. From the doorway, a scorched iron chest caught the party's eye at the foot of an old bed. The moment someone stepped into the room, a ghostly form rose up from the floor. "Your presence is offensive to me, your life forfeit. M...